श्री नेपाल राष्ट्रिय आधारभूत विद्यालय,घारिवन

अपडेटेड नयाँ पोस्ट हेडलाइन


Unit 13 | Instructions | निर्देशनहरू| Class 7 | English

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1. Starter
Look at this picture of a paper plane. Ask your friend if he or she can make a plane as shown in the picture.
Short Note of Paper Plane:
    A paper plane (also known as a paper airplane in American English or paper aeroplane in British English) is a toy aircraft, usually a glider made out of single folded sheet of paper or paperboard. A simple nose-heavy paper plane, thrown like a dart, is also known as a paper dart.
2. Let's learn these words
Learn the meanings of these words that appear in the passage below.


a gentle wind


giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment

splint (सिन्का,आधार)

a long, thin strip of wood

diagonal (विकर्ण)

joining two opposite corners


a flattened limb usually in fish which helps in



a rope to control the movement of something

3. Read and answer
A. Read the passage and answer these questions.
  • (a) Which weather is more appropriate to fly kites?
    • Answer :  When Dashain approaches, there is a gentle breeze in the air. The weather is pleasant fly kites and enjoy it.
  • (b) What should you do before you fly a kite?
    • Answer : Before we fly a kite, it is a good idea to learn how to make one. Let’s look at these steps to make a fighter kite.
Making a kite
When Dashain approaches, there is a gentle breeze in the air. The weather is pleasant and you want to go out and enjoy it. What would be more fitting than to fly a kite?(दशैं नजिकिँदै गर्दा हावामा मन्द हावा चल्छ । मौसम रमाइलो छ र तपाईं बाहिर गएर रमाइलो गर्न चाहनुहुन्छ। चङ्गा उडाउनु भन्दा उपयुक्त के होला र ?)

Before we fly a kite, it is a good idea to learn how to make one. Let’s look at these steps to make a fighter kite.(हामीले चङ्गा उडाउनु अघि, कसरी बनाउने भनेर सिक्नु राम्रो विचार हो। लडाकु पतंग बनाउन यी चरणहरू हेरौं।)

What you need:(तपाईलाई के चाहिन्छ)
  1. A light piece of square paper or plastic (about 40 X 40 cm)-वर्ग कागज वा प्लास्टिकको हल्का टुक्रा (लगभग 40 X 40 सेमी)
  2. Two thin bamboo splints. One is the same length of the diagonal of the paper. The other is a little longer.
  3. Small pieces of paper
  4. Glue
  5. String (धागो)
How you make it:
  1. Take the piece of paper and the shorter bamboo splint. Stick the splint along the diagonal with the help of glue and the small pieces of paper.(कागजको टुक्रा र छोटो बाँसको स्प्लिन्ट लिनुहोस्। गोंद र कागजको साना टुक्राहरूको मद्दतले विकर्णको साथ स्प्लिन्ट टाँस्नुहोस्।)
  2. Now take the longer bamboo splint. Bend it and stick it across the other diagonal with the help of glue and pieces of paper. Your kite should looksomewhat like this now.(अब बाँसको लामो स्प्लिन्ट लिनुहोस्। यसलाई झुकाउनुहोस् र गोंद र कागजका टुक्राहरूको मद्दतले अर्को विकर्णमा टाँस्नुहोस्। तपाईको चङ्गा अब केहि हदसम्म यस्तो देखिनु पर्छ।)
  3. Make two tiny holes on both sides of the splint at the centre of the paper. Choose the diagonal where the straight bamboo splint is.(कागजको केन्द्रमा स्प्लिन्टको दुबै छेउमा दुईवटा साना प्वालहरू बनाउनुहोस्। सिधा बाँसको स्प्लिन्ट भएको विकर्ण छनोट गर्नुहोस्।)
  4. Now make two similar holes where the two bamboo splints meet.(अब दुईवटा बाँसको टुक्रा मिल्ने ठाउँमा दुईवटा समान प्वालहरू बनाउनुहोस्।)
  5. Then, cut a piece of the string about 40 cm long. Insert it through the holes that you have made and tie it. The string should now make a triangle shape when you hold it up. This is called the bridle of the kite. Tie the spool of string to it.(त्यसपछि, लगभग 40 सेन्टिमिटर लामो तारको टुक्रा काट्नुहोस्। तपाईंले बनाएको प्वालहरूबाट यसलाई घुसाउनुहोस् र यसलाई बाँध्नुहोस्। स्ट्रिङले अब त्रिकोण आकार बनाउनु पर्छ जब तपाइँ यसलाई समात्नुहोस्। यसलाई चंगाको लगाम भनिन्छ। त्यसमा तारको स्पूल बाँध्नुहोस्।)

  6. Finally, add a small fin to the tail of your kite. Take two pieces of triangle-shaped paper. Take two small thin pieces of bamboo sticks and paste it to make a fin. The fin should be at the end of the straight bamboo splint. Does y o u r kite look something like this?(अन्तमा, आफ्नो पतंगको पुच्छरमा एउटा सानो फिन थप्नुहोस्। त्रिकोण आकारको कागजको दुई टुक्रा लिनुहोस्। बाँसका दुई साना पातलो टुक्राहरू लिनुहोस् र यसलाई फिन बनाउन टाँस्नुहोस्। फिन सिधा बाँसको स्प्लिन्टको अन्त्यमा हुनुपर्छ। के तपाईको चङ्गा यस्तो देखिन्छ?)
Now, you are ready to fly your kite.

There are many types of kites. The type of kite that we fly in Nepal is called fighter kite. It is the type of kite that you can make from the instructions above. Kites can be shaped like a bird or an animal. It can also be box-shaped or pyramid- shaped.(त्यहाँ धेरै प्रकारका पतंगहरू छन्। नेपालमा हामीले उडाउने चङ्गालाई फाइटर काइट भनिन्छ। यो पतंगको प्रकार हो जुन तपाईले माथिका निर्देशनहरूबाट बनाउन सक्नुहुन्छ। चङ्गा चरा वा जनावरको आकारको हुन सक्छ। यो बक्सको आकार वा पिरामिड आकारको पनि हुन सक्छ।)

Kites have been flown in China since thousands of years ago. It used to be a part of festival celebrations. The idea of flying kites spread to other south Asian countries and rest of the world from there. In those days, kites were made of silk or leaves.(चीनमा हजारौं वर्ष पहिलेदेखि चङ्गा उडाउने चलन छ। त्यो चाडपर्वको एक हिस्सा हुन्थ्यो । चङ्गा उडाउने विचार त्यहाँबाट अन्य दक्षिण एसियाली देशहरू र बाँकी विश्वमा फैलियो। त्यतिबेला चङ्गा रेशम वा पातबाट बनाइन्थ्यो।)

Men had seen birds fly since a long time back. Flying the kite was perhaps the nearest thing to flying in those days.(मानिसहरुले धेरै पहिले देखि चराहरु उडेको देखेका थिए । त्यतिबेला चङ्गा उडाउनु सायद सबैभन्दा नजिकको कुरा थियो।)

B. Arrange the given instructions in the proper order.
    • (a) Bend and stick the long bamboo stick across a diagonal.-2
    • (b) Make two holes where the splints meet.-3
    • (c) Stick the shorter splint across the diagonal.-1
    • (d) Connect a thread through the two set of holes.-5
    • (e) Make two tiny holes at the two sides of the central splint.-4
C. Answer these questions.
  • (a) What would perfectly fit with flying a kite?
    • Answer: The gentle breeze would perfectly fit with flying a kite.
  • (b) List the things that you need to make a kite.
    • Answer:
        1. A light piece of square paper or plastic (about 40 X 40 cm)-वर्ग कागज वा प्लास्टिकको हल्का टुक्रा (लगभग 40 X 40 सेमी)
        1. Two thin bamboo splints. One is the same length of the diagonal of the paper. The other is a little longer.
        2. Small pieces of paper
        3. Glue
        4. String (धागो)
        • (c) What shape should the kite be?
          • Answer: bird, animal,box-shaped and pyramid- shaped should be the kite.
        • (d) Write the name of the kite that you learned to make.
          • Answer: The name of the kite we learned to Make fighter kite.
        • (e) Where did kite flying start?
          • Answer: China did first kite flying start.
        • (f) What were the kites in the long past made of?
          • Answer: silk or leaves were the kites in the long past made of. 
        4. Ways with words

        [breeze, pleasant, splint, fin, bridle, diagonal]

        Fill in the blank spaces with the correct words from the list given.
        • (a) The ice cream that we had yesterday was held by a small splint.
        • (b) When the fish was swimming, its fin were moving.
        • (c) The horse had a brindle made of leather.
        • (d) The clothes that I had put to dry on the terrace were flown away by the breeze.
        • (e) The weather is very pleasant in the spring.
        • (f) A square has got two diagonal.
        5. Have your say
        A. Listen and answer
        • Daughter: Mom, can you teach me how to cook food today? Mother: Okay, today I will teach you how to cook potato curry. Daughter: So, can we start?
        • Mother: First, cut the potatoes into pieces. Do not make them very big, otherwise they won’t cook properly.
        • Daughter: Is this size fine?
        • Mother: That is alright. Now, cut the tomatoes. 
        • Daughter: Okay, it’s done.
        • Mother: Now, put the pan on the stove. Put some oil in it and wait for it to.
        • Daughter: Mom, I think it’s hot now.
        • Mother: Then put some onions in it and wait until they become brown. Daughter: They are getting brown.
        • Mother: Now, put the potatoes in. Add some salt and turmeric. Put some curry powder and stir it. Then cover it and leave it for a while.
        • Daughter: For how long?
        • Mother: For a while. Keep stirring it in short intervals, otherwise the potatoes will get burnt.
        • Daughter: And what about the tomatoes?
        • Mother: Oh, I nearly forgot. Put the tomatoes in and stir it well. Daughter: Can I try it now.
        • Mother: Okay, give me some as well.
        • Daughter: I think it is good. What do you think? 
        • Mother: Well done. I will teach you about other dishes tomorrow.
        Listen to the conversation and say whether these statements are true or false.
        • (a) The conversation is about clothes.[False]
        • (b) The daughter wants to cook food. [True]
        • (c) The mother is teaching her daughter to cook potato curry.[True]
        • (d) The girl puts the potatoes and then the onions.[False]
        • (e) The mother forgets to put tomatoes. [True]
        • (f) Mother likes the food. [True]
        B. First read the following questions.
        • (a) What would happen if the pieces are too big?
          • Answer: If the pieces are to big potetoes won't cook properly.
        • (b) What should you do after putting the onions?
          •  Answer: You do after Putting the onions should wait until it gets brown.
        • (c) When should you put the tomatoes in it?
          • Answer: You should put the tomatoes in it after You put potetoes,salt and turmeric.
        • (d) Why should you keep stirring the curry?
          • Answer: You should keep strring the cutty not to burn the potetoes.
        • (e) What are they going to do tomorrow?
          • Answer: They are going to do tomorrow Prepare other dishes.
        Now listen to the conversation again and answer the questions.
        C. Read the following sentences.
        • Go to the market! (बजार जाउ !)
        • Open the Door! (ढोका खोल!)
        • Take care! (ख्याल गर!)
        • Listen to me! (मेरो कुरा सुन!)
        • Be quite! (कृपया शान्त रहनुहोस्!)
        • Be honest! (इमानदार हुनुहोस्!)
        • Be careful! (होस् गर!)
        • Be diligent! (लगनशील हुनुहोस्!)
            How do we give instructions in English? Instructions can be commands or orders. The very basic way to give instructions can be done through imperative sentences. Imperative sentences are made by omitting the subject of the second person “you” and the first person plural “We/ us”. “You go to the market” is an affirmative sentence. “Go to the market!” is an imperativbe sentence.
        Now, omit the subjects of the following sentences so that they can be commands or orders.
        • (a) You complete this work.
        • (b) We clean the floor.
        • (c) You prepare a cup of tea.
        • (d) We finish the work together.
        • (e) You read the text and answer the questions.
        • (f) We collect some money for the school library.
        We can add the word “please” and “Let’s” to make the instructions sound more polite. Read the following examples:
        • (a) Open the door, please!
        • (b) Turn off the lamp, please
        • (c) Please be quiet!
        • (d) Please be ready!
        • (e) Let’s go to office.
        • (f) Let’s bring the equipment.
        • (g) Let’s share our opinion.
        D. Read the following dialogue in pairs
        • Tommy : Hi David. You look busy. What are you doing? 
        • David : I’m trying to figure out how to make these cookies, but I lost the instructions that came with the box.
        • Tommy : Making cookies from a box is easy. Do you want me to tell you?
        • David : Yes, these have to be done in an hour.
        • Tommy : Okay, first, pour the cookie mix from that bag into a large bowl.
        • David : Is this bowl big enough?
        • Tommy : No, you need a bigger one. You’re going to be adding more ingredients. Use that one.
        • David : Okay, now what?
        • Tommy : Next, add two eggs and a cup of milk to the bowl and beat until very creamy, with no lumps.
        • David : Won’t the egg shells be hard to eat?
        • Tommy : You have to break the eggs first, and just put in the whites and yolks. You throw the shells away. You’ve never cooked anything, have you?
        • David : No, this is my first time. What should I mix it with, a fork or spoon?
        • Tommy : You could use either, but if I were you, I’d use an electric mixer.
        • David : You mean this? No wonder mom put it out.That’s done, what next?
        • Tommy : Now, grease the cookie sheet with butter. Then put one tablespoon of cookie dough per cookieon the cookie sheet. You should space the dough evenly around the cookie sheet, leaving at least an inch between each cookie.
        • David : Got it. Now they go in the oven, right?
        • Tommy : Yes.
        • David : Okay, they’re in. How long will it take before they’re done?
        • Tommy : The way you did it, forever. You didn’t turn the oven on.
        • David : Oh yea, I forgot. How long should I cook?
        • Tommy : Cook them for about 35 minutes.
        E. Conversation Practice
        Look at the following dialogues: 
        Conversation 1:
        • A: How do you operate this can opener?
        • B: First, put the can under that sharp wheel and push that lever down.
        Conversation 2:
        • A: Can you show me how to use this copier?
        • B: After putting the paper under the cover, enter the number of copies needed and then press start.
        Now, look at the following situation and write instructions for them.
        • (a) How to prepare a cup of tea?
            1. Add 1 cup/200 mL of freshly boiled water to your tea bag (in a mug)
            2. Allow the tea bag to brew for 2 minutes.
            3. Remove the tea bag.
            4. Add 10 mL of milk.
            5. Wait 6 minutes before consumption for the cuppa to reach its optimum temperature of 140 F/60 C.
        • (b) How to change the refill of a ball pen?
            1. Be sure the pen tip is retracted by twisting the cap.
            2. Unscrew or pull the cap to remove it from the pen's barrel.
            3. Remove the existing refill by unscrewing the piece at the top.
            4. Insert a new refill (remove the tip cover first if there is one) and screw it in place.
            5. Replace the cap with a push or twist.
        • (c) How to charge the mobile phone?
            1. Find a charger that fits your cell phone. ...
            2. Check the battery on your phone. ...
            3. Plug your charger into an outlet and slid the smaller part into your phone. ...
            4. If your phone doesn't beep or pop up with a message, check the battery. ...
            5. Leave your phone to charge for a few hours.
            6. Finished.
        • (d) How to dial a phone number?
            1. Open your phone's Phone app .
            2. Pick who to call: To enter a number, tap Dialpad . To pick a saved contact, tap Contacts . ...
            3. Tap Call .
            4. When you're done with the call, tap End call . If your call is minimized, drag the call bubble to the bottom right of the screen.
        • (e) How to cook rice?
            1. Rinse the rice.
            2. Use the right ratio of water. Add 2 parts water and 1 part rice to a large pot. ...
            3. Bring the water to a boil. Once it's boiling, add a big pinch of salt.
            4. Maintain a simmer. ...
            5. Cook without peeking or stirring. ...
            6. Let the rice rest covered. ...
            7. Fluff the rice with a fork.
        6. Time for grammar
        A. As you see in the sentences above, we use imperatives to give instructions. Look at the following examples once again.

        Look at these positive and negative examples. You will notice that some of them refer to present time, some to future time and some to both:






        Don't move!

        user guide

        Remove the packaging. Open the blue box and connect the two wires.

        Do not dispose of battery in the trash.


        Now wash your hands!

        Don't forget your homework.


        Please remain seated until the seatbelt sign is off.

        Do not smoke in the toilets.


        Kindly help yourself to fruit.

        Please don't forget your belongings.


        Please be waiting when we arrive.

        Don't be late!

          1. (a) Open your English book.
          2. (b) Take this medicine three times a day.
          3. (c) Take a left and then a right.
          4. (d) Turn around when you get to the crossroad.
        B. Match the followings.

         1.Stand behind the                   


         2.Tell me all

        Page 59.-6


        Three times a day.-7



         5.Take your feet off

        Line, please.-1

         6.Turn to


         7.Take one pill

        Turn left.-8

         8.Go to the traffic lights and 

        The sofa.-5

         9.Come and see

        About it.-2

         10.Put that

        Me next week.-9

        7. Study skills
        Collect some leaflets of a school in your area. Read the contents of the leaflet and list down the following:
        How to write a leaflet
            1. Step 1: Establish your own tone of voice. ...
            2. Step 2: Create eye-catching headlines. ...
            3. Step 3: Focus on the USPs. ...
            4. Step 4: Include key details. ...
            5. Step 5: Get straight to the point. ...
            6. Step 6: Finish with a call to action.
        • (a) Any special subjects taught
        • (b) Extra-curricular activities
        • (c) Dates for the tests: first term, etc.
        Now, compare the same with that of your school.
        8. Writing
        In this chapter, you have learned how to give instructions. You learned how to make kites and you have written instructions for different activities.
        Now, write a leaflet on how to prepare your favorite food and present it to the class.
        9. Test Yourself
        Match the following.


































        10. Project work
        There are many sanitation problems in the community. People throw garbage everywhere and people are not aware of their personal health. In groups of five, prepare leaflets on health and hygiene. Once you do that bring them to class and paste them on the walls. Some of the possible topics are:
        • (a) How to brush your teeth
            1. Use the right toothbrush. For most people, a soft-bristled toothbrush will be the safest choice. ...
            2. Replace old toothbrushes. ...
            3. Brush twice a day. ...
            4. Use the right toothpaste. ...
            5. Use the correct technique. ...
            6. Be gentle. ...
            7. Brush for long enough. ...
            8. Brush your tongue.
        • (b) How to keep your community clean
            1. Throwing garbage all over the place will only dirty our surroundings and pollute the environment. 
            2. Controlling the use of plastic bags will also help to keep our surroundings clean.
            3. One should use recycled and eco-friendly products such as paper or jute bags instead of plastic bags.
        • (c) How to maintain personal health
            1. Eat healthy. What you eat is closely linked to your health. ...
            2. Get regular exercise. ...
            3. Lose weight if you're overweight. ...
            4. Protect your skin. ...
            5. Practice safe sex. ...
            6. Don't smoke or use tobacco. ...
            7. Limit how much alcohol you drink. ...
            8. Questions to ask your doctor.
        The End

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