Let’s read about the sports meet in the passage below. 3. Read and answer A. Read the text quickly and answer these questions:
(a) How did the day start?
Answer: The day start cool and pleasant.
(b) What are different people in the picture doing?
Answer: Realy racing annual sports day are different people in the pictuer doing. SportS Meet
It was spring. The weather was cool and pleasant. Colourful flags were fluttering from the flagpoles. One could hear the drone of people sitting around expectantly for the event to begin. All of us were standing with our hearts thumping. It was the opening of the Annual Sports Day in our school. (यो वसन्त थियो। मौसम चिसो र रमाइलो थियो। झण्डाका पोलहरूबाट रंगीन झण्डा फहरिरहेका थिए। घटना सुरु हुने आशामा वरपर बसेका मानिसहरूको ड्रोन सुन्न सकिन्छ। हामी सबै मुटु जोडले उभिएका थियौँ । त्यो हाम्रो विद्यालयमा वार्षिक खेलकुद दिवसको उद्घाटन थियो।)
I am always excited about the sports day and this year was going to be special. I knew it in my heart. Our house was going to win the sports cup for sure. We were at 560 points and the nearest house was at 540 points. The results for 60 points were going to be decided today. (म खेलकुद दिवसलाई लिएर सधैं उत्साहित छु र यो वर्ष विशेष हुने थियो। मैले मनमा नै थाहा पाएँ । हाम्रो घरले खेलकुद कप जित्ने पक्का थियो । हामी ५६० अंकमा थियौँ र नजिकको घर ५४० अंकमा थियो। ६० अंकको नतिजा आज तय हुने भएको छ ।)
The day started with beating of the drums and bugles blaring. First, all the students paraded the guests and dignitaries. Then there was a demonstration of some group physical exercises. We even had a cultural dance and a group song. But I was not interested in any of them. I waited impatiently for the competitive events to start. We had six events left: 100m, 200m, 400m, 4 x 100m relay, 4 x 200m relay, and 4 x 400m relay finals. 10 points were awarded to the winner, six to the second place and four to the third place. (ढोल र बाजा बजाएर दिनको सुरुवात भयो । सुरुमा सबै विद्यार्थीहरुले अतिथि तथा महानुभावहरुलाई परेड गरेका थिए । त्यसपछि त्यहाँ केही समूह शारीरिक अभ्यास को एक प्रदर्शन थियो। हामीले साँस्कृतिक नृत्य र सामूहिक गीत पनि राखेका थियौं । तर मलाई ती मध्ये कुनैमा पनि चासो थिएन। म प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक घटनाहरू सुरु हुनको लागि अधीरतापूर्वक पर्खिरहेको थिएँ। हामीसँग छवटा कार्यक्रमहरू बाँकी थिए: 100m, 200m, 400m, 4 x 100m रिले, 4 x 200m रिले, र 4 x 400m रिले फाइनलहरू। विजेतालाई १० अंक, दोस्रो हुनेलाई ६ र तेस्रोलाई चार अंक प्रदान गरिएको थियो ।)
Finally the races started. The first two events were 400m and 200m races. Both were won by the house that was second. We only managed to get third in one and were disqualified from the other. Now the points stood 564 and 560. That was bad. All the students from our house looked gloomy and down. (अन्ततः दौड सुरु भयो। पहिलो दुई घटनाहरू 400m र 200m दौड थिए। दुबै दोस्रो भएको घरले जित्यो। हामीले एउटामा तेस्रो हुन सफल भयौं र अर्कोबाट अयोग्य ठहर्यौं। अब अंक 564 र 560 थियो। त्यो खराब थियो। हाम्रो घरका सबै विद्यार्थीहरू उदास र तल देखिन्थे।)
Then the two relays were conducted; 4 x 200m and 4 x 400m. We managed to win one of them and came third in the other one. The house that was following us managed to get second positions in both the events. Now the scores were 580 and 572. That was too close for comfort. The other house had a very good sprinter for 100m race. Things were looking bad. (त्यसपछि दुई रिले सञ्चालन गरियो; ४ x २०० मिटर र ४ x ४०० मिटर। हामीले तीमध्ये एउटा जित्न सफल भयौं र अर्कोमा तेस्रो भयो। हामीलाई पछ्याउने घरले दुवै घटनामा दोस्रो स्थान हासिल गर्न सफल भयो। अब स्कोर 580 र 572 थियो। त्यो आराम को लागी धेरै नजिक थियो। अर्को घरमा १०० मिटर दौडका लागि धेरै राम्रो स्प्रिन्टर थियो। चीजहरू नराम्रो देखिन्थे।)
As expected, the other house won the 100m race and we could come only fourth. Now the scores stood at 582 and 580 respectively. The students from the other house started singing songs and chanting slogans. It was getting unbearable. I could feel my eyes burning. If I could, I would have sat down and cried. But there was one more event and it would be the deciding race. Everyone was aware of this, and everyone was expectant. There seemed to be a hush before the event. It was like the calm before the storm. (अपेक्षित रूपमा, अर्को घर 100 मिटर दौड जित्यो र हामी चौथो मात्र आउन सक्छौं। अब स्कोर क्रमश 582 र 580 थियो। अर्को घरका विद्यार्थीहरूले गीत गाउन र नारा लगाउन थाले । असह्य हुँदै गयो । मैले आँखा जलेको महसुस गरें। सक्छु भने बसेर रोएँ । तर त्यहाँ अर्को घटना थियो र यो निर्णायक दौड हुनेछ। सबैलाई यो थाहा थियो, र सबैको अपेक्षा थियो। कार्यक्रम अघि नै मौनता देखिन्थ्यो । यो आँधी अघिको शान्त जस्तै थियो।)
The participants were called for the 4 x 100m relay. We shouted as loud as we could to support our team members. We had made a silly song about winning the tournament and rubbing shoe polish on the faces of the losers, which we assumed to be the other house. The air was full of chants of support as it got more and more electrified. Then the participants were lined up in their starting positions. Our sports teacher raised the starting gun and BANG!, the race started.(सहभागीहरूलाई ४ x १०० मिटर रिलेको लागि बोलाइएको थियो। हामीले हाम्रो टोलीका सदस्यहरूलाई समर्थन गर्न सकेसम्म चर्को स्वरले करायौं। हामीले टुर्नामेन्ट जितेर हार्नेहरूको अनुहारमा जुत्ताको पालिस लगाइदिने एउटा मूर्ख गीत बनाएका थियौं, जसलाई हामीले अर्कै घरको ठान्यौं। हावा समर्थनको नाराले भरिएको थियो किनकि यो अधिक र अधिक बिजुली भयो। त्यसपछि सहभागीहरू तिनीहरूको सुरुको स्थितिमा लाइनमा थिए। हाम्रा खेलकुद शिक्षकले सुरु गर्ने बन्दुक उठाए र ब्याङ्ग!, दौड सुरु भयो।)
The other house had kept their best runner in the first leg and soon they were leading with a considerable distance. My heart was in my mouth. Now it was the second set of runners. Our house gained a little. The frenzied crowd was shouting as if there was no tomorrow. When the third set of runners reached the final leg, our house was about three metres behind the leading runner. Then the final leg of the relay started. Slowly our runner gained on the other house. The final 100 metres seemed to take forever. It was as if the whole event was captured in slow motion. 50 metres to go, now 30, now 10. Both the runners were absolutely abreast now. Then it was over. We were not sure who had won because it seemed that both the runners touched the ribbon at the same time. Nonetheless, we were shouting our heads off. It looked as if the fate of the race would be decided by how loud you could shout. (अर्को घरले आफ्नो उत्कृष्ट धावकलाई पहिलो लेगमा राखेको थियो र चाँडै उनीहरूले पर्याप्त दूरीको साथ अगाडि बढिरहेका थिए। मेरो मुटु मेरो मुखमा थियो। अब यो धावकहरूको दोस्रो सेट थियो। हाम्रो घर अलिकति कमाइयो। उन्मादको भीड भोलि नभएजस्तो गरी कराउँदै थियो । जब धावकहरूको तेस्रो सेट अन्तिम चरणमा पुग्यो, हाम्रो घर प्रमुख धावकभन्दा करिब तीन मिटर पछाडि थियो। त्यसपछि रिलेको अन्तिम लेग सुरु भयो। बिस्तारै हाम्रो धावक अर्को घरमा पुग्यो। अन्तिम 100 मिटर सधैंको लागि लाग्थ्यो। पूरै घटनालाई स्लो मोशनमा कैद गरेजस्तो भयो । ५० मिटर जानु, अब ३०, अब १०। दुवै धावक अब एकदमै बराबर थिए। त्यसपछि यो समाप्त भयो। हामीलाई कसले जित्यो भन्ने निश्चित थिएन किनभने दुबै धावकहरूले एकै समयमा रिबन छोए जस्तो देखिन्छ। तैपनि हामी टाउको हल्लाउदै थियौं । यस्तो देखिन्थ्यो कि दौडको भाग्य तपाईले कति चर्को स्वरले चिच्याउन सक्नुहुन्छ भन्ने निर्णय हुनेछ।)
Our sports teacher got hold of the microphone and announced the winner. A tremendous burst of sound rose from our end of the ground. Arms flayed and shirts and shoes flew up in the air. It was a moment to cherish. It was the taste of victory. (हाम्रा खेलकुद शिक्षकले माइक्रोफोन समातेर विजेता घोषणा गरे। हाम्रो जमिनको छेउबाट ठूलो आवाज उठ्यो। हतियार उड्यो र सर्ट र जुत्ता हावामा उड्यो। यो कदर गर्ने क्षण थियो। यो विजयको स्वाद थियो।)
B. Choose the best answer from the choices given and tick (√) to see if you have understood the passage. (a) The event was
(i) Parent’s Day (ii) Sports Day√
(iii) Opening Day (iv) Result Day
(b) The house of the narrator was winning by
(i) 20 points√ (ii) 30 points
(iii) 40 points (iv) 50 points
(c) By the starting point of the final race
(i) the narrator’s house was winning
(ii) the other house was winning √
(iii) both the houses had equal points
(iv) both the houses were not leading the score
(d) Why was there a hush before the final race?
(i) A storm was coming
(ii) The Sports Day was over
(iii) Everyone wanted the day to end
(iv) Everyone was waiting for the final event to start √
(e) Who won the race in the end?
(i) The narrator’s house√
(ii) The other house that was following them closely
(iii) Both got equal points and were declared joint winners
(iv) A different house won the race C: Answer these questions.
(a) Give two reasons why the narrator of the event was excited.
- Answer: The Narrrator of the event was excited two reasons are as following:
- It was sport day.
- The narrator was hopfuly that his house would win the race.
(b) Why did the narrator think that they were going to win the cup?
- Answer:The narrator think that they were going to win the cup because his house was leading by 20 points.
(c) Why were the students not sure who won the final race? - Answer: The students were not sure who won the final race because it seemed that both the runners touched the ribbon at the same time.
(d) “It looked as if the fate of the race would be decided by how loud you could shout”. Why does the narrator use this expression to describe the moment?
- Answer: The narrator use this expression to describe the moment because this was the final and most expected match and they were not sure who crossed ribbon first.
(e) How do you know that the narrator’s house won the last race and the cup?
- Answer:The narrator’s house won the last race and the cup was (572 and 580) then abreast points 10 and 592 points won the last race.
4. Ways with words
A. Fill in the blank spaces with the correct words from the list.
[flutter-फटाफट, drone-ड्रोन, blaring, dignitaries-महानुभावहरू, gloomy-उदास, sprinter-धावक, chanting-जप गर्दै, slogans-नाराहरु, hush-चुपचाप, participants, considerable-उल्लेखनीय, frenzied-उन्माद, nonetheless-यद्यपि, fate-भाग्य, microphone, announced, tremendous-अथाह]
(a) A momentary hush fell in the hall when the participants invited for the event arrived.
(b) The weather is frenzied and the wind is making the flags flutter I think it will rain.
(c) The crowd shouted slogans during the protest and were in a gloomy mood after a while.
(d) The speech he was giving over the microphone could not be heard because of the continuous chanting.
(e) The names of the dignitaries were announced over the microphone.
(f) The sprinter started running after there was a tremendous bang from the starting gun.
(g) There was a considerable disturbance because of the blaring sound coming from the concert.
(h) I met the President at the bus stop yesterday.nonetheless, it was fate that made us meet.
B. There are some phrases used in this passage which do not mean what they say at the surface level. There is a deeper meaning to them. Can you match them with their meanings?
1. as if there was
no tomorrow
quiet period before
a period of excitement-5
2. shout one's
head off
eagerly without thinking-1
3. calm before
the storm
feel like crying-4
4. feel eyes burning
feeling unhappy-8
5. heart was in the mouth
shout at top of one’s voice-2
6. too close
for comfort
take a long time-7
7. take forever
to be dangerously close to a disaster-6
8. feeling down
to have strong feelings or fear
about something-3
5. Have your say A. Listen and answerUnit 12 Listening Part :
Husband : Hi honey, how are you today? You don’t look very fresh.
Wife : I do not feel very good. I have a toothache.
Husband : Oh god. What’s wrong with your tooth?
Wife : I don’t know. I felt some pain last night but now it is getting worse.
Husband : Oh dear! I think we should do something about it.
Wife : What can we do?
Husband : There is a dentist in the next village. You should go and see him.
Wife : Yes, that’s a good idea. But that is too far from here. Husband: There is a Jeep service. You should take the jeep to get there. Wife: Will you go with me dear?
Husband : I am sorry honey. I should attend a meeting in our son’s school today.
Wife : Oh yes. That’s right. I will go by myself then.
Husband : Thank you dear.
Wife : You’re welcome.
(a) The conversation is between a husband and a .............
(b) The woman is suffering from …………………..
(c) The man is going to his son’s...................... today.
(d) There is a................... in the next village.
B. Discuss with your friend and match the situations with the appropriate suggestions in the table below:
1. My sister
likes travelling.
She should
work hard.
2. Bina wants
to lose weight.
We should participate in different events
3. Pramita wants to come first
in the next
She should go to Rara
Lake next month.
4. Our school
will celebrate parent's day next month.
You should take an umbrella.
5. I think
it will rain.
She should
join the fitness center.
C. Conversation practice
Read the following dialogue:
Woman : Friend, I can’t walk to office everyday. It’s too far.
Man : Yes, it is far. I think you should buy a scooty. Woman: That’s a good idea. Should I buy a new one? Man: Yes, you should. What color do you like?
Woman : I like red and blue. Which one do you think I should buy.
Man : I think you should buy the blue one.
Woman : Thank you friend. I would like to buy the blue one.
D. What suggestions would you give to your friends in the following situations?
(a) Your friend missed some classes and s/he is worried about the missing lessons.
(b) Your best friend lost his/her pen.
(c) Pavan wants to participate in sports but he is not sure if he can do it.
(d) Goma has not felt well today.
(e) Furba wants to win the race in the next sports meet.
6. Time for grammar
Go through the list of sentences below and guess the meaning expressed by should and shouldn’t.(तलका वाक्यहरूको सूचीमा जानुहोस् र गर्नुपर्छ र हुँदैन भनेर व्यक्त गरिएको अर्थ अनुमान गर्नुहोस्।)
(a) We shouldn’t make a noise in the classroom.
(b) We should keep our classroom clean.
(c) Ram, your shoes are not polished today. You should polish them daily.
(d) Rabi, your hanky doesn’t look clean. You should wash it.
(e) You shouldn’t throw rubbish in the class.
(g) Kamini looks sick. She should see the doctor.
(h) You shouldn’t bring mobile phones to school.
√ The examples show that we use ‘should’ to give suggestion to the people. Should means it is good to do the action. Similarly, ‘shouldn’t’ means it isn’t good to do the action.
Fill in the blanks with ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t’.
(a) Students should study hard to get good marks in exams.
(b) The baby is sleeping. You shouldn't shout.
(c) We should work together to keep the community clean.
(d) My mother gave me a letter. I shouldn't forget to post it.
(e) My friend is very helpful. I should thank her.
(f) My teacher told me that I am doing fine in English. I shouldn't worry too much.
(g) It’s very cloudy today. You should take an umbrella with you.
(h) The government should treat all the citizens equally.
7. Study skills
Do you ever write a diary? What is diary writing? Talk to your friend if they keep a diary. It’s a good way of keeping record of your daily activities. Some people write it daily and some do it on a weekly basis. Let’s look at a diary written by a student like you.(के तपाई कहिल्यै डायरी लेख्नुहुन्छ? डायरी लेखन भनेको के हो? आफ्नो साथीसँग कुरा गर्नुहोस् यदि तिनीहरूले डायरी राख्छन्। तपाईंको दैनिक गतिविधिहरूको रेकर्ड राख्ने यो राम्रो तरिका हो। कसैले यसलाई दैनिक लेख्छन् र कसैले यसलाई साप्ताहिक आधारमा गर्छन्। तपाई जस्तो विद्यार्थीले लेखेको डायरी हेरौं ।)
January 21, 2012
Today was my first day of exam. I woke up at 6:00 a.m. in the morning. I reviewed the lessons once again. I got ready for school at 8:00 a.m. I had my lunch at 9:00 and went to school. The exam started at 10:30. The questions were not that difficult. I answered them all. I reviewed all my answers before I submitted the answer book to my teacher. I was so happy to answer all the questions. I think I will get more than 80 marks in English. It was a very good day for me. I must work hard for tomorrow’s exam.(आज मेरो परिक्षाको पहिलो दिन थियो । म बिहान ६ बजे उठेँ । मैले एक पटक फेरि पाठहरू समीक्षा गरें। म बिहान 8 बजे स्कुलको लागि तयार भएँ र 9:00 बजे खाजा खाएर स्कुल गएँ। 10:30 बजे परीक्षा सुरु भयो। प्रश्नहरू त्यति गाह्रो थिएनन्। मैले ती सबैको जवाफ दिएँ। मैले मेरो शिक्षकलाई उत्तरपुस्तिका पेश गर्नु अघि मैले मेरा सबै जवाफहरू समीक्षा गरें। म सबै प्रश्नहरूको जवाफ दिन धेरै खुसी थिए। मलाई लाग्छ मैले अंग्रेजीमा 80 भन्दा बढी अंक प्राप्त गर्नेछु। यो मेरो लागि धेरै राम्रो दिन थियो। मैले भोलिको परीक्षाको लागि कडा मेहनत गर्नुपर्छ।)
Write a similar diary of a day in your life and share this with your friends. If you like you can keep a daily diary. It’s fun and you can improve your writing. (आफ्नो जीवनको एक दिनको यस्तै डायरी लेख्नुहोस् र आफ्नो साथीहरूसँग साझा गर्नुहोस्। यदि तपाईं चाहनुहुन्छ भने, तपाईं दैनिक डायरी राख्न सक्नुहुन्छ। यो रमाइलो छ र तपाईं आफ्नो लेखन सुधार गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ।)
Similar Diary
Today I joined my new school. it was a very nice and exciting. My class teacher was very nice to me. She introduced me to the entire the class. I sat with Nabina.The monitor of the class. She helped me in every way to possible. She gave me her notebook. Share her lunch with me. She even helped me with my classwork.
The best things I liked about the school was the library. It was big and spacious.I am possionnate reader and found many books of my favourite authour.The computer lab was well equippted with the letest models of computer.
I look forward to going to school Tommrow. Now, I am not missing my old friends and my old school now. I am going to sleep as I have to get up early in the morning to get ready for school.
8. Write
Write a few paragraphs describing a time when you won a game.
Cricket Game:
Cricket is a very interesting and engaging outdoor game. It is known as the gentleman’s game and is enjoyed all over the world. It creates a sense of discipline, team-spirit, fellow-feelings, and the spirit of sportsmanship among the players. Played between two teams of 11 members on each side, the game starts with a toss to decide the batting and the bowling team.
The match between our school and the rival team was very exciting.Our team won the toss and our captain elected to bat first. Our team played and scored 180 in 20 overs. It was a good inning and amazing to watch.
The rival team’s openers were great and scored 120 in the start. We all thought that we would definitely lose the match but the turning point came when one of our fast bowlers took the wicket of the opener and that was the point we headed towards
9. Test yourself
Read the following sentences and identify the correct alternative to fill in the blanks.
(a) Let’s go barefooted. Take off your shoes and ………
(i) hat (ii) socks√
(iii) gloves (iv) coat
(b) Ladies and.......... , may I have your attention, please.
(i) girls (ii) gentlemen√
(iii) men (iv) children
(c) I’ll pour more coffee for you. Bring your cup and ……….
(i) saucer√ (ii) coffee pot
(iii) coffee jar (iv) sugar
(d) Let’s have some toast. I’ll get the bread and …….
(i) knife (ii) toaster
(iii) butter√ (iv) plate
(e) How do you like your coffee? With cream and........ ?
(i) sugar√ (ii) black
(iii) coffee creamer (iv) water
(f) Our dining set is too old. We need a new table and ………….
(i) food (ii) stove
(iii) chair√ (iv) refrigerator
(g) I’ll mail a copy to you if you give me your name and …........
(i) age (ii) fax number
(iii) address√ (iv) weight
10. Project work
You may have attended community events in your society. The event could be a celebration of a festival, birthday of a distinguished person, anniversary of a special event etc. Recall the activities of that event and write an account of the event in some paragraphs. You can ask your parents, relatives or neighbours about the event to get the detailed information. Include in your writing the answers of the following questions.
You can write any event in your community based event.
(a) What was the event about? (घटना के बारे थियो?)
(b) Who were the participants of that event? (उक्त कार्यक्रममा सहभागीहरु को को थिए ?)
(c) What were the major activities? (प्रमुख गतिविधिहरू के थिए?)
(d) How did the event begin? (कार्यक्रमको सुरुवात कसरी भयो ?)
(e) How did you feel about the event? (कार्यक्रम कस्तो लाग्यो ?)
(f) How did the participants feel about the event? (कार्यक्रममा सहभागीहरुलाई कस्तो लाग्यो ?)
(g) How did the event end? (घटनाको अन्त्य कसरी भयो ?)
When you prepare the writing, share it with your friends in the class.