1.Reading|Unit-9|Moral Stories|नैतिक कथाहरू|
A. Engage yourself
- Do you like reading stories? What types of stories have your grand- parents and parents been telling you?
Answer : Yes, l like to Reading stories, About good and to direction to right way types of stories have my grand-parents and parents being telling me. - Look at the picture below. What is happening there?
Answer: There are to goat are fighting and Mongks are ovserving.
Moral Stories |
B. Study
Read the following story and match the following headings to each paragraph. Saint Deva Humility of a cheat Deva’s portage
Ashamvav’s plan Visitor’s call for Brataband Ashamvav’s fleeting
The foolish sage and the jackal(मूर्ख ऋषि र स्याल)
In a monastery far away from human habitation lived a saint called Deva . He made a lot of money by selling clothes gifted to him by well-wishers and disciples. It became a burden for him to guard that wealth. Since he did not trust anyone, he put all his money into a bag and carried it with him wherever he went. Ashamvav, an experienced cheat, noticed Deva always carrying his bag with him. He thought that the bag certainly contained something valuable, so he planned to snatch it from him. (मानव बसोबासबाट टाढा एउटा मठमा देव नामक सन्त बस्थे। शुभचिन्तक र शिष्यहरूले उपहार दिएका कपडाहरू बेचेर उनले धेरै पैसा कमाए। त्यो सम्पत्ति जोगाउनु उनको लागि बोझ बन्यो। कसैलाई विश्वास नगर्ने भएकाले उनले सबै पैसा झोलामा हालेर जहाँ गए पनि बोकेर गए । एक अनुभवी ठगी, आशमभवले देखे कि देवले सधैं आफ्नो झोला साथमा लिएर जान्छ। उसले सोचे कि झोलामा पक्कै पनि केहि मूल्यवान छ, त्यसैले उसले त्यो खोस्ने योजना बनायो।)
One day, the cheat met the saint and promptly fell on his feet and said, “Oh, know-all, I have realized that this life is an illusion; youth is fleeting and all familial ties are like a dream. Please show me the correct path that frees me from all worldly ties.” (एक दिन ठगले सन्तलाई भेटेर तुरुन्तै उनको खुट्टामा लड्यो र भन्यो, "हे, सबैलाई थाहा छ, यो जीवन भ्रम हो। जवानी क्षणिक छ र सबै पारिवारिक सम्बन्ध सपना जस्तै छन्। मलाई सबै सांसारिक सम्बन्धहरूबाट मुक्त गर्ने सही मार्ग देखाउनुहोस्।")
Pleased with his humility, Deva said, “Child, you are the blessed one who has thought of renouncing worldly pleasures. Listen, the person that chants “Om Namahshivayah’ and smears holy ash on his forehead, becomes Shiva himself. He knows no rebirth. I shall accept you as my portage, but you must not enter the hermitage in the night because company is forbidden for saints. After initiation, you have to live in the hut at the entrance of the monastery.” (उनको विनम्रता देखेर प्रसन्न भएर देवले भने, “बाल, तिमी धन्य हौ, जसले सांसारिक सुख त्याग गर्ने विचार गरेका छौ। सुन्नुहोस्, "ओम् नमःशिवायः" को जप गर्ने र निधारमा पवित्र खरानी लगाउने व्यक्ति स्वयं शिव बन्छ। उसलाई पुनर्जन्म थाहा छैन। म तिमीलाई मेरो पोर्टेजको रूपमा स्वीकार गर्नेछु, तर तिमी राती आश्रममा प्रवेश गर्नु हुँदैन किनभने संतहरूको संगत निषेध गरिएको छ। दीक्षा लिएपछि गुम्बाको प्रवेशद्वारमा झुपडीमा बस्नुपर्छ ।”)
Ashamvav promised the saint that he would consider every sign from him as a command and carry it out. Satisfied, the saint accepted the cheat as his disciple. Ashamvav too be- gan making Deva happy by attending to his every need, but seeing that the saint never separated the money-bag from him, Ashamvav thought, “The old man is very crafty and always keeps the bag with him. How can I snatch it from him? Shall I kill him?” (आशमभवले सन्तलाई प्रतिज्ञा गरे कि उनले उहाँबाट आउने प्रत्येक संकेतलाई आज्ञा मानेर पालन गर्नेछन्। सन्तुष्ट भएर सन्तले ठगलाई आफ्नो शिष्यको रूपमा स्वीकार गरे। आशमभवले पनि आफ्नो हरेक आवश्यकता पूरा गरेर देवलाई खुसी बनाउन थाले, तर सन्तले आफूबाट पैसाको झोला कहिल्यै छुट्याएनन् भन्ने देखेर आशमभवले सोचे, “बुढा धेरै धूर्त छन् र सधैं झोला आफूसँग राख्छन्। म कसरी उसबाट खोस्न सक्छु? के म उसलाई मार्न सक्छु?")
As the cheat was at a loss to achieving his goal, a visitor came calling on the sage. The visitor invited Deva to come to his village and perform Brataband (the sacred thread ceremony) of his son. The saint accepted the invitation and set out for the village taking Ashamvav with him. (जब ठग आफ्नो लक्ष्य प्राप्त गर्न हारेको थियो, एक आगन्तुक ऋषिलाई बोलाउन आए। आगन्तुकले देवलाई आफ्नो गाउँमा आउन र आफ्नो छोराको ब्रतबन्द (पवित्र धागो समारोह) गर्न निम्तो दिए। सन्तले निमन्त्रणा स्वीकार गरे र आशमावलाई लिएर गाउँतिर लागे।)
On the way, the guru and his disciple had to cross a river. After bathing in the river Deva wanted to rest for a while. He took the money bag and pushed it into a quilt he was carrying. Then, he told the disciple, “I have to respond to nature’s call. I am leaving this quilt of Shiva here. Keep an eye on it.” The moment the guru went out of his sight, Ashamvav collected the bag and fled from the place. (बाटोमा गुरु र शिष्यले एउटा नदी तर्नु पर्यो । देवा नदीमा स्नान गरेपछि केही समय आराम गर्न चाहन्थे । उसले पैसाको झोला लिएर आफूले बोकेको रजाईमा हाल्यो। त्यसपछि, उनले शिष्यलाई भने, "मैले प्रकृतिको आह्वानमा प्रतिक्रिया दिनुपर्छ। म यो शिवको रजाई यहाँ छोड्दै छु। त्यतातिर नजर राख्नुस् ।” गुरु उनको नजरबाट टाढा गएको क्षण, आशमभवले झोला उठाए र ठाउँबाट भागे।)
With great trust in his disciple, Deva decided to join a crowd watching two well-fed goats fight ferociously. As blood was running down their heads, a jackal came there to feast on the blood the two goats were shedding. Deva saw the jackal entering the scene and thought that the jackal would surely die caught between the two warring goats. His surmise came true, and the jackal died, gored by the two goats. (आफ्नो शिष्यमा ठूलो भरोसाको साथ, देवले दुई राम्रा बाख्राहरूलाई उग्र रूपमा लडिरहेको देखेर भीडमा सामेल हुने निर्णय गरे। तिनीहरूको टाउकोबाट रगत बगिरहेको बेला एउटा स्याल त्यहाँ आइपुग्यो र ती दुई बाख्राको रगतमा भोज खायो। देवले स्याललाई घटनास्थलमा प्रवेश गरेको देखे र सोचे कि स्याल पक्कै पनि दुई लडाई गर्ने बाख्राको बीचमा समातेर मर्छ। उसको अनुमान साँचो भयो, र स्याल मरे, दुई बाख्राहरूले मारेर।)
After the death of the jackal, Deva returned to where he had left the money-bag with Ashamvav. He found Ashamvav missing. The holy quilt was there but not the money-bag. He began wailing, “Oh, trickster, what have you done? I have lost everything in the world.” After a vain search for the trickster, the foolish saint returned home unhappily.(स्यालको मृत्यु पछि, देवले आशमववसँग पैसाको झोला छोडेको ठाउँमा फर्के। उनले आशमव हराएको भेट्टाए। पवित्र रजाई थियो तर पैसाको झोला थिएन। उसले कराउन थाल्यो, “ए ठग, तिमीले के गर्यौ ? मैले संसारमा सबै कुरा गुमाएको छु।" ठगको व्यर्थ खोजी पछि, मुर्ख सन्त दुखी भएर घर फर्के।)
Ways with words
1. Read the text and unscramble the letters on the left to form the correct words. The words should match the meanings on the right.
1. Read the text and unscramble the letters on the left to form the correct words. The words should match the meanings on the right.
- tuh - a small house /एउटा सानो घर=>Hut
- nmstryaeo - residence of sages/ऋषिहरूको निवास=>Monastery
- intsa - person devoted to god/भगवान प्रति समर्पित व्यक्ति=>Saint
- defl - ran away/भागे=>Fled
- udernb - load/लोड=>Burden
- pidcilse - student=>Disciple
- atchns - rob/लुट=>Snatch
- tfyarc - clever=>Crafty
- doreg - to cause an injury with the horns/सिङ संग चोट को कारण=>Gored
2. Fill in the blanks.
(a) Deva lived in a Monastery.
(b) Ashamvav has realized that this life is an illusion
(c) Ashamvav was an exprienced cheat.
(d) Two Will-fed goats were fighting.
(e) The foolish saint returned home unhapply.
Read and answer
(a) Deva lived in a Monastery.
(b) Ashamvav has realized that this life is an illusion
(c) Ashamvav was an exprienced cheat.
(d) Two Will-fed goats were fighting.
(e) The foolish saint returned home unhapply.
Read and answer
1. Answer the following questions.
(a) Where did Deva live?
Answer: Deva live in a monastery.
(b) How did the saint collect a lot of wealth?
Answer: The saint collect a lot of wealth by selling clothes gifted by his well wishes and devotes.
(c) What was the real plan of Ashamvav?
Answer: The real plan of ashamvav was to still Deva's bag.
(d) What was Ashamvav not allowed to do?
Answer: He was not allowed to enter the hermitage at night.
(e) What did Ashamvav do to make Deva happy?
Answer: Ashamvav make Deva happy by following everything Deva said.
(f) Where were Deva and Ashamvav going to?
Answer: They were going to Attend Bartabandha.
(a) Where did Deva live?
Answer: Deva live in a monastery.
(b) How did the saint collect a lot of wealth?
Answer: The saint collect a lot of wealth by selling clothes gifted by his well wishes and devotes.
(c) What was the real plan of Ashamvav?
Answer: The real plan of ashamvav was to still Deva's bag.
(d) What was Ashamvav not allowed to do?
Answer: He was not allowed to enter the hermitage at night.
(e) What did Ashamvav do to make Deva happy?
Answer: Ashamvav make Deva happy by following everything Deva said.
(f) Where were Deva and Ashamvav going to?
Answer: They were going to Attend Bartabandha.
(g) How was the jackal killed?
Answer: The jackal was killed by two goats.
(h) Did the saint get his money back?
Answer: The jackal was killed by two goats.
(h) Did the saint get his money back?
Answer:No, He did't get his money back.
2. Put the following sentences in the correct order.
(a) Ashamvav wanted to snatch the money from Deva.
(b) Deva lived in a monastery.
(c) Deva accepted Ashamvav as his protege.
(d) He collected a lot of money by selling clothes gifted to him.
(e) Deva and Ashamvav set out for a village.
(f) Deva left his bag to Ashamvav and went to watch the goats fighting.
(g) Deva started wailing that he had lost everything in the world.
(h) Ashamvav took the bag and fled away.
2. Put the following sentences in the correct order.
(a) Ashamvav wanted to snatch the money from Deva.
(b) Deva lived in a monastery.
(c) Deva accepted Ashamvav as his protege.
(d) He collected a lot of money by selling clothes gifted to him.
(e) Deva and Ashamvav set out for a village.
(f) Deva left his bag to Ashamvav and went to watch the goats fighting.
(g) Deva started wailing that he had lost everything in the world.
(h) Ashamvav took the bag and fled away.
Answer in the correct order:
(b) Deva lived in a monastery.
(d) He collected a lot of money by selling clothes gifted to him.
(a) Ashamvav wanted to snatch the money from Deva.
(c) Deva accepted Ashamvav as his protege.
(e) Deva and Ashamvav set out for a village.
(f) Deva left his bag to Ashamvav and went to watch the goats fighting.
(h) Ashamvav took the bag and fled away.
(g) Deva started wailing that he had lost everything in the world.
C. Activate yourself
Have you ever heard any animal stories? Did your grandparents/parents tell you such stories? Tell a story that you have heard or read to your friends in the class.
C. Activate yourself
Have you ever heard any animal stories? Did your grandparents/parents tell you such stories? Tell a story that you have heard or read to your friends in the class.
The Hare And The Tortoise
Tired of the bragging of a speedy hare, a tortoise challenges it to a race. The overconfident hare accepts the competition and runs as fast as it can after the race begins. Soon it gets tired and decides to rest, thinking that there’s plenty of time to relax before tortoise can catch up with it. Meanwhile, the tortoise continues to walk slowly, until it reaches the finish line. The overslept hare wakes up, only to be shocked that a slow moving tortoise beat it in the race. (एक द्रुत खरायोको घमण्डबाट थाकेको, कछुवाले यसलाई दौडमा चुनौती दिन्छ। अति आत्मविश्वासी खरगोले प्रतिस्पर्धालाई स्वीकार गर्छ र दौड सुरु भएपछि सकेसम्म छिटो दौडन्छ। चाँडै यो थकित हुन्छ र कछुवाले यसलाई समात्न सक्नु अघि आराम गर्न प्रशस्त समय छ भन्ने सोचेर आराम गर्ने निर्णय गर्छ। यस बीचमा, कछुवा बिस्तारै हिड्न जारी राख्छ, जबसम्म यो अन्तिम रेखामा पुग्दैन। ओभर सुतेको खरायो ब्युँझन्छ, ढिलो चलिरहेको कछुवाले दौडमा उसलाई हराएको देखेर मात्र छक्क पर्छ।)
A. Engage yourself
1. Imagine that you were in the middle of a dream last night. You want to tell it to your parents. Which tense do you use to describe it?
My Last Night Dream
It was a cold and clear night and the stars were twinkling brightly above. My mum was reading the Ben 10 Omniverse bed time story book and I started falling asleep. I think it should be around midnight I was dreaming about something. The dream was so cool. I saw the houses in my street were made out of apples and chocolates which I love them so much. My friends were riding jet skies on the road instead of their bicycles. The cool thing is, my dad was riding a green coloured jet ski to go to work. I cannot see anyone using cars or motorbikes. I was so excited to see that, I was having a lion and a tiger as my pets. I was taking my pets for walking to the nearby park. While I was there, I saw a rainbow at the end of the park .I drove my jet ski and went inside the rainbow .When I got inside, there was a big monster. I fought with him and got a very big treasure box which had variety of chocolates. I ate some of them and took lot for mum and dad. Whenever I felt hungry I ate as many apples and chocolates I want without asking any permission from my mum. There was no school or any homework to do. I was playing and eating, that’s all I did. In the middle of my dream, I heard my mum was calling me to get up from bed. I did not want to get up because I was happily dreaming. After that I woke up and got ready to school and ate the same breakfast, bread and jam. Dad took me to school in our very old car and I was thinking how cool it would be if my dream comes true. I told my friends about the last night dream. They said I am going crazy. It’s O.K. But I LOVE IT. (यो चिसो र सफा रात थियो र ताराहरू माथि चम्किरहेका थिए। मेरी आमाले बेन 10 ओम्निभर्स बेड टाइम स्टोरी बुक पढ्दै हुनुहुन्थ्यो र म निदाउन थाले। मलाई लाग्छ कि यो मध्यरातको वरिपरि हुनुपर्छ जुन मैले केहि सपना देखिरहेको थिएँ। सपना धेरै राम्रो थियो। मैले मेरो गल्लीका घरहरू स्याउ र चकलेटहरूबाट बनेको देखेँ जुन म तिनीहरूलाई धेरै माया गर्छु। मेरा साथीहरू तिनीहरूको साइकलको सट्टा सडकमा जेट स्काई चढिरहेका थिए। राम्रो कुरा के हो भने, मेरो बुबा काममा जान हरियो रंगको जेट स्की चढ्दै हुनुहुन्थ्यो। म कसैलाई कार वा मोटरसाइकल प्रयोग गरिरहेको देख्न सक्दिन। म त्यो देखेर धेरै उत्साहित भएँ, मेरो घरपालुवा जनावरको रूपमा सिंह र बाघ थिए। म मेरा घरपालुवा जनावरहरूलाई नजिकैको पार्कमा घुम्न लैजाँदै थिएँ। जब म त्यहाँ थिएँ, मैले पार्कको अन्त्यमा इन्द्रेणी देखेँ .मैले मेरो जेट स्की चलाएँ र इन्द्रेणी भित्र गएँ .जब म भित्र पसे, त्यहाँ एउटा ठूलो राक्षस थियो। मैले उनीसँग लडेँ र एउटा धेरै ठूलो खजाना बाकस पाएँ जसमा विभिन्न प्रकारका चकलेटहरू थिए। मैले तीमध्ये केही खाएँ र आमा र बुबाको लागि धेरै लिएँ। जब-जब मलाई भोक लाग्थ्यो, मैले आमासँग अनुमति नलिई जति धेरै स्याउ र चकलेटहरू खान्थेँ। न त विद्यालय थियो न त कुनै गृहकार्य गर्नैपर्छ । म खेल्दै थिएँ र खाँदै थिएँ, यति मात्र गरेँ । मेरो सपनाको बीचमा, मैले सुनेँ कि मेरी आमाले मलाई ओछ्यानबाट उठ्न बोलाउनुभएको थियो। मलाई उठ्न मन लागेन किनभने म खुशीले सपना देखिरहेको थिएँ। त्यसपछि म उठे र स्कुल जाने तयारी गरेँ र त्यही नास्ता, रोटी र जाम खाएँ। बुबाले मलाई हाम्रो पुरानो कारमा स्कूल लैजानुभयो र म सोचिरहेको थिएँ कि यदि मेरो सपना पूरा भयो भने यो कस्तो राम्रो हुनेछ। मैले मेरा साथीहरूलाई अन्तिम रातको सपनाको बारेमा भनें। उनीहरूले भने म पागल भएँ । ठिकै छ। तर म यसलाई माया गर्छु।)
This is for you 👇👇👇👇
2. Recall the chores you have done. List out the ones you completely finished in the past.
1. Read the following report of a witness of an accident and underline the simple past form of the verbs in the text.
It all happened very quickly. The bike came straight out of the side road and the van went into the back of it. The bike rider didn’t have a chance. It was the van driver’s fault. He was driving at a high speed. He couldn’t control the van.
2. From the above text, list all the verbs which are in the simple past form and convert them into past continuous form. Fourmula Memories -(Sub+Was/Were+V4+Obj) Therefore 👇👇👇👇
Example: happened - was/were happening - came => was comming
- didn’t => was doing
- went => was going
- didn’t => was doing
- was => was driving
3. Read and underline the past continuous form of the verbs in the text below.
I had a wonderful dream last night. I was at the zoo. Some people were tak- ing photographs. Children were playing and laughing. Birds were singing. Fish were happily swimming. Monkeys were jumping. It was really interesting.
4. Read the following examples and underline the past perfect form of the verbs in the sentences.
i. It was 8 pm. Most of the shops had just closed.
ii. I went to airport but they had already sold the tickets.
ii. I went to airport but they had already sold the tickets.
5. Rewrite the following sentences using the correct form of the verbs in the brackets.
(a) Shakespeare …… (write) many famous plays.
Answer: Shakespeare wrote many famous plays.
(b) When Jack arrived home, Carol already …… (cook) food.
Answer: When Jack arrived home, Carol already had cooked food.
(c) I …… (dream) that I was in Singapore.
Answer: I dreamt that I was in Singapore.
(a) Shakespeare …… (write) many famous plays.
Answer: Shakespeare wrote many famous plays.
(b) When Jack arrived home, Carol already …… (cook) food.
Answer: When Jack arrived home, Carol already had cooked food.
(c) I …… (dream) that I was in Singapore.
Answer: I dreamt that I was in Singapore.
(d) Hari …… (sit) on a chair and…… (write) a story.
Answer: Hari was sitting on a chair and writing a story.
(e) The water in the pond …… (freeze) last night.
Answer: The water in the pond froze last night.
Answer: Hari was sitting on a chair and writing a story.
(e) The water in the pond …… (freeze) last night.
Answer: The water in the pond froze last night.
(f) Rita…… (arrive) after the class had started.
Answer: Rita arrived after the class had started.
Answer: Rita arrived after the class had started.
(g) I…… (meet) Rupa in Biratnagar last year.
Answer: I met Rupa in Biratnagar last year.
(h) Deva (sell) the clothes gifted to him.
Answer: I met Rupa in Biratnagar last year.
(h) Deva (sell) the clothes gifted to him.
Answer: Deva sold the clothes gifted to him.
C. Activate yourself
Right from the time I remember, you have guided me through life. You both have given me so much of happiness. You have been a big support, being there by my side, whenever I needed you. I thought I should let you know how I feel, when I think of you – I LOVE YOU, BOTH.
Ask your mother or father about her/his childhood activities and note down what he/she says. Out of those points, write a passage in the past tense. Give her/him a surprise by telling her/him the story of his/her own.
I write a letter to my mother and father?
Dear, Mum and dad,
Right from the time I remember, you have guided me through life. You both have given me so much of happiness. You have been a big support, being there by my side, whenever I needed you. I thought I should let you know how I feel, when I think of you – I LOVE YOU, BOTH.
Your lovely daughter
4. Speaking
A. Engage yourself
(i) Which line is longer?
P ______Q
R _____________S
Answer: RS is longer than PQ.
(ii) Who earns more money?
Mr. Sherpa: Rs 25,000 per month Mr. Singh: Rs 24,000 per month
Answer: Mr. Sherpa earns more money than Mr. Singh.
B. Study
2. Rewrite the following sentences selecting the right word from the brackets.
Answer is bold and underline words in brackets.
Answer is bold and underline words in brackets.
(a) My father earns (more/much) than my brother does.
(b) Sarita is (happier/happy) now than she was last month.
(c) Kathmandu is (big/bigger) than Dharan.
(d) A plane is much (fast/faster) than a car.
(e) India is (more populated/populated) than Nepal.
(b) Sarita is (happier/happy) now than she was last month.
(c) Kathmandu is (big/bigger) than Dharan.
(d) A plane is much (fast/faster) than a car.
(e) India is (more populated/populated) than Nepal.
(f) Antartica is the (colder/coldest) continent in the world.
(g) Raju is (better/good) than Madhav at Maths but Madhav is (better/good) than Raju at English.
(h) In the last exam, Kalpana secured nearly as (many/much) marks as Subas.
(i) Mt. Everest is the (highest/higher) mountain in the world.
(j) Pasang is the (taller/tallest) boy in the class.
(k) Mr. Khan is as (old/older) as Mr Gurung.
(l) Sports shoes are (more comfortable/comfortable) than leather shoes.
C. Activate yourself
Compare the height of all the students in your class and talk aobut it. (👈👈This is for you)
(g) Raju is (better/good) than Madhav at Maths but Madhav is (better/good) than Raju at English.
(h) In the last exam, Kalpana secured nearly as (many/much) marks as Subas.
(i) Mt. Everest is the (highest/higher) mountain in the world.
(j) Pasang is the (taller/tallest) boy in the class.
(k) Mr. Khan is as (old/older) as Mr Gurung.
(l) Sports shoes are (more comfortable/comfortable) than leather shoes.
C. Activate yourself
Compare the height of all the students in your class and talk aobut it. (👈👈This is for you)
A. Engage yourself (आफूलाई संलग्न गर्नुहोस्)
A. Engage yourself (आफूलाई संलग्न गर्नुहोस्)
What is the crow doing in the picture? Do you know the story of a crow and a pitcher?
Answer: The crow put some dropped pebbles into the pitcher, one by one. Yes, I know the story a crow and pitcher.
B. Study
1. Read the following story aloud in the class.
1. Read the following story aloud in the class.
A thirsty crow
It was a hot summer day. A crow was very thirsty. He flew here and there in search of water. He could not find any water. He sat on a branch of a tree. He saw a pitcher on the ground. There was little water in the pitcher. He was very happy to see the water in the pitcher.(त्यो गर्मीको दिन थियो। एउटा काग एकदमै तिर्खाएको थियो। पानीको खोजीमा उ यता उता उड्यो । उसले पानी पाउन सकेन। रुखको हाँगामा बसे । उसले भुइँमा एउटा माटो देख्यो। घारमा थोरै पानी थियो । गाडामा पानी देखेर उनी निकै खुसी भए ।)
He tried to drink the water but the level of water was low. His beak could not reach the water in the pitcher. He thought of a plan. He dropped some pebbles into the pitcher, one by one. The level of water rose up. The crow drank the water, and feeling satisfied; flew away.(उसले पानी पिउन खोज्यो तर पानीको स्तर कम थियो। उसको चुच्चोले गाडाको पानीसम्म पुग्न सकेन। उसले एउटा योजना सोच्यो । उसले एक एक गरेर केही ढुङ्गा गाडामा हाल्यो। पानीको सतह बढ्यो । कागले पानी पियो, र सन्तुष्ट भयो; उड्यो।)
Moral: Where there is a will, there is a way. (नैतिक: जहाँ इच्छा छ, त्यहाँ बाटो छ।)
2. Develop a similar readable story with the help of the outlines given below. Give it a suitable title and find a moral lesson. (This is for you 👇👇👇👇)
2. Develop a similar readable story with the help of the outlines given below. Give it a suitable title and find a moral lesson. (This is for you 👇👇👇👇)
King Solomon-very wise -one day two mothers with two babies come to him - one baby alive one dead - say one baby killed in accident - both mothers claim the living baby - each says dead baby belongs to the other - who is the real mother of the living baby?- Solomon thinks and gives decision - living baby to be cut into two halves - each woman will get half - one woman agrees - the other weeps - says baby must not be killed - let the other woman have it other than that - Solomon smiles - decides the weeping mother is the real mother - gives her the living baby - other woman is punished
C. Activate yourself
Now, if you know any moral stories like this, write one of them and read it to the class.
The fox and the grapes-(स्याल र अंगूर)
One day, a fox became very hungry as he went to search for some food. He searched high and low, but couldn’t find something that he could eat.(एक दिन, एउटा स्याल खाना खोज्न जाँदा धेरै भोक लाग्यो। उसले माथि-निच खोज्यो, तर खानेकुरा पाउन सकेन।)
Finally, as his stomach rumbled, he stumbled upon a farmer’s wall. At the top of the wall, he saw the biggest, juiciest grapes he’d ever seen. They had a rich, purple color, telling the fox they were ready to be eaten.(अन्तमा, उसको पेट हल्लाउँदै, ऊ किसानको भित्तामा ठोक्कियो। पर्खालको माथि, उसले देखेको सबैभन्दा ठूलो, रसिलो अंगूर देख्यो। तिनीहरूसँग धनी, बैजनी रङ थियो, जसले स्याललाई भन्यो कि तिनीहरू खानको लागि तयार छन्।)
To reach the grapes, the fox had to jump high in the air. As he jumped, he opened his mouth to catch the grapes, but he missed. The fox tried again but missed yet again.(अंगूरमा पुग्न, स्याल हावामा उफ्रनुपर्थ्यो। उ उफ्रदै गर्दा, उसले अंगूर समाउन आफ्नो मुख खोल्यो, तर ऊ चुक्यो। स्यालले फेरि प्रयास गर्यो तर फेरि चुक्यो।)
He tried a few more times but kept failing. Finally, the fox decided it was time to give up and go home. While he walked away, he muttered, “I’m sure the grapes were sour anyway.”(उसले धेरै पटक प्रयास गर्यो तर असफल भइरह्यो। अन्तमा, स्यालले निर्णय गर्यो कि यो छोड्ने र घर जाने समय हो। हिड्दै गर्दा उसले गुनगुनाउँदै भन्यो, "मलाई पक्का छ कि अंगूरहरू जे भए पनि अमिलो थिए।")
Thsnks for reading