What do you do on your birthday? How do you celebrate it? Do you invite your friends and relatives?
Answer: I cut cake and get blessing my elders or members. I invited my friends and reletives then cut cake have mill together celebrate my birthday. Yes, I invite my friends and relatives in my birthday.
(a) What was Bibha’s problem?
Answer: Bibha never to goes to party on invitation from any one. This was her problem.
(b) How did the students know each others birthdays?
Answer: The students knew each others birthday by checking on classroom ragister.
(c) Why did Bibha not enjoy games in the fourth period?
Answer: Bibha did not enjoy games in the fourth period because she was sad of not bing able to distribuite chocletes to the classmates.
(d) Why did Bibha feel afraid when she was in the canteen?
Answer: Bibha did feel afraid when she was in the canteen because Dhiren told class Teacher looking for her and she seemed angy.
(e) Who managed to celebrate Bibha’s birthday this time?
2. Let's learn these words Learn the meanings of these words that appear in the passage below.
3. Read and answer
A. Read the following passage and answer these questions.
(a) Who brought chocolates for everyone in the class last week?
Answer: Bibha's bought chocolates for everyone in the class last week.
(b) Who could not join Vinisha’s birthday party?
grand (भव्य) |
great |
afford (किन्न) |
manage to pay for |
ignore (बेवास्ता) |
paying any attention |
head (टाउको) |
here: start or move
to a direction |
hesitantly (हिचकिचाउँदै) |
shyly |
erupt (विस्फोट) |
blow up, rise with excitement |
shock (झटका) |
surprise, upset |
A. Read the following passage and answer these questions.
(a) Who brought chocolates for everyone in the class last week?
Answer: Bibha's bought chocolates for everyone in the class last week.
(b) Who could not join Vinisha’s birthday party?
Answer: Bibha's Could not join Vinisha's birthday party.
B. Read the passage and say whether these statements are true or false.
(a) Today was Bibha’s birthday.
Birthday Party(जन्मोत्सव)
It was Bibha’s birthday. She was not very happy about it. She remembered Vinisha’s birthday the week before. She had brought chocolates for everyone in the class. (बिभाको जन्मदिन थियो । उनी यसमा खासै खुसी थिइनन् । उसलाई एक हप्ता अघि विनिशाको जन्मदिन याद आयो। उनले कक्षामा सबैका लागि चकलेट ल्याएकी थिइन् ।)
“Please come to my house in the evening,” she had said, “I will be giving a grand party.” Bibha had told her that she could not come. (‘कृपया बेलुकी मेरो घर आउनुस्,’ उनले भनिन्, ‘म एउटा भव्य पार्टी दिनेछु । विभाले आउन नसक्ने बताएकी थिइन् ।)
“Do I have to give you an invitation card?” Vinisha was angry with her. “You never come when someone invites. What’s your problem?” ("के मैले तपाईंलाई निमन्त्रणा कार्ड दिनु पर्छ?" विनिशा उनीसँग रिसाएकी थिइन् । “कसैले निमन्त्रणा गर्दा तिमी कहिल्यै आउँदैनौ। तिम्रो समस्या के छ?")
There was no problem as such. It was only that Bibha’s parents could not afford to give chocolates for everyone. Giving a party was out of question. This was the reason that she was not happy to go to school today. (त्यस्तो कुनै समस्या थिएन । विभाका आमाबुवाले सबैलाई चकलेट दिन सक्ने सामर्थ्य थिएन। पार्टी दिने कुरा बाहिर थियो । आज स्कुल जान नपाउनुको कारण यही थियो ।)
She hoped that no one would remember her birthday. Actually there was no reason why someone would remember. She had never told anyone when her birthday was. She ate alone at the school. She had no real friends. She did not even do very well in her studies. She thought that the teachers also ignored her. She was a lonely girl. (उनले आफ्नो जन्मदिन कसैले याद नगर्ने आशा राखिन् । वास्तवमा कसैले सम्झाउने कुनै कारण थिएन। जन्मदिन परेको बेला उनले कसैलाई भनेकी थिइनन् । स्कुलमा एक्लै खाना खान्थे । उनको कुनै वास्तविक साथी थिएन। पढाइमा पनि खासै राम्रो गर्न सकिनन् । शिक्षकले पनि बेवास्ता गरेको उनको भनाइ थियो । उनी एक्ली केटी थिइन् ।)
The classes started as usual. Generally, the students who had birthday distributed sweets then. But Bibha sat quietly because she had no sweets to give. Even the teacher did not wish her “Happy Birthday!” She certainly knew the birthdays of every student in the class. It was written in the class register. (नियमित रूपमा कक्षाहरू सुरु भयो। सामान्यतया, जन्मदिन मनाउने विद्यार्थीहरूले त्यसपछि मिठाई बाँडे। तर मिठाई दिनु नभएकोले बिभा चुपचाप बसिन् । शिक्षकले पनि उनलाई "ह्याप्पी बर्थडे!" उसलाई पक्कै पनि कक्षामा हरेक विद्यार्थीको जन्मदिन थाहा थियो। कक्षा दर्तामा लेखिएको थियो ।)
She was happy in a way. She did not have to answer questions about why she was not giving sweets to others. But somehow she also felt very sad. It was not nice when everyone forgot or did not care about your birthday. (एक हिसाबले खुसी थिइन् । अरुलाई मिठाई किन नदिइराखेको भन्ने प्रश्नको जवाफ दिनु परेन । तर, कतै उनलाई पनि निकै दुःख लागेको थियो । सबैले बिर्सनु वा तपाईंको जन्मदिनको वास्ता नगर्दा राम्रो थिएन।)
The first three periods were uneventful. She had English, Maths and Science classes. In the fourth period she had physical education class. She had to leave the room and go to the school ground to play games. She didn’t even feel like playing anything today. (पहिलो तीन अवधि असंगत थिए। उनीसँग अंग्रेजी, गणित र विज्ञान कक्षाहरू थिए। चौथो पिरियडमा उनको शारीरिक शिक्षा कक्षा थियो । उनी खेल खेल्नको लागि कोठा छोडेर विद्यालयको मैदानमा जानुपरेको थियो । उनलाई आज केही खेल्न मन लागेन ।)
At the end of the fourth period she headed towards the school canteen. She would have a samosa and one potato chop as usual. Just then one of her classmates, Dhiren, came running to her. (चौथो पिरियडको अन्त्यमा उनी स्कुलको क्यान्टिनतिर लागिन् । उनीसँग सामान्य रूपमा एक समोसा र एउटा आलुको चप हुन्छ। त्यतिकैमा उनका एक सहपाठी धीरेन दौडेर उनीकहाँ आए ।)
“Bibha, our class teacher is calling you to the class. She doesn’t look happy,” he said. Now, what could have happened? Bibha felt afraid and started sweating. She could not remember doing anything wrong. But she had no option; she had to go to the teacher. (“विभा, हाम्रो कक्षा शिक्षकले तिमीलाई कक्षामा बोलाउनुभएको छ । उनी खुसी देखिँदैनन्,’ उनले भने । अब, के हुन सक्छ? बिभालाई डर लाग्यो र पसिना आउन थाल्यो । उनले कुनै गल्ती गरेको सम्झिन सकेनन्। तर उनीसँग कुनै विकल्प थिएन; उनी शिक्षककहाँ जानुपर्ने थियो।)
She approached the classroom door hesitantly. It was closed. She turned the handle and slowly opened the door. (उनी हिचकिचाउँदै कक्षाकोठाको ढोकामा पुगिन् । बन्द थियो । उसले ह्यान्डल पल्टाएर बिस्तारै ढोका खोलिन्।)
Suddenly the whole class erupted in shouting and laughter. She was shocked for a moment. Then she realized that all the students had gathered in the class and were wishing her a “Happy Birthday.”(एक्कासी पूरै कक्षाको चिच्याहट र हाँसोले गुन्जियो । उनी एकछिन स्तब्ध भइन् । त्यसपछि उनले महसुस गरे कि सबै विद्यार्थीहरू कक्षामा भेला भएका थिए र उनलाई "जन्मदिनको शुभकामना" दिएका थिए।)
The teacher and the students had decorated the class with balloons and colourful paper. They had also brought sweets and other food. Vinisha was smiling from one corner of the classroom. This was the best birthday ever. (शिक्षक र विद्यार्थीले बेलुन र रंगीन कागजले कक्षा सजाउनुभएको थियो । उनीहरुले मिठाई र अन्य खानेकुरा पनि ल्याएका थिए । विनिशा कक्षाको एउटा कुनाबाट मुस्कुराउँदै थिइन् । यो अहिलेसम्मकै उत्कृष्ट जन्मदिन थियो।)
B. Read the passage and say whether these statements are true or false.
(a) Today was Bibha’s birthday.
Answer: True
(b) Vinisha had given a grand birthday party last week.
(b) Vinisha had given a grand birthday party last week.
Answer: True
(c) Bibha’s parents could afford chocolates for her daughter’s classmates.
Answer: False
(d) Bibha was happy because she did not like to distribute chocolates on her birthday.
Answer: False
(e) The teacher and the students secretly prepared to celebrate Bibha’s birthday.
Answer: True
(f) Vinisha was very happy on Bibha’s birthday.
Answer: True
C. Read the story and answer the following questions. (a) What was Bibha’s problem?
Answer: Bibha never to goes to party on invitation from any one. This was her problem.
(b) How did the students know each others birthdays?
Answer: The students knew each others birthday by checking on classroom ragister.
(c) Why did Bibha not enjoy games in the fourth period?
Answer: Bibha did not enjoy games in the fourth period because she was sad of not bing able to distribuite chocletes to the classmates.
(d) Why did Bibha feel afraid when she was in the canteen?
Answer: Bibha did feel afraid when she was in the canteen because Dhiren told class Teacher looking for her and she seemed angy.
(e) Who managed to celebrate Bibha’s birthday this time?
Answer: The teacher and student managed to celebrate bibha's birthday this time.
4. Ways with wordsA. Read the passage and find the words that give similar meanings
- contented, => Happy
- call, =>Shout
- social gathering,=>Party
- worry, => Afraid
- alternative,=> Option
- come close to,=>Towards
- collect=>Gathered
1.D |
3.E |
C |
O |
R |
5.A |
T |
E |
V |
L |
2.R |
E |
A |
L |
O |
N |
N |
I |
E |
N |
4.G |
R |
O |
U |
N |
D |
1. make more attractive (8)
2. true (4)
4. field (6)
3. late afternoon
5. by yourself only (5)
B. Speaking
(a) Sing and enjoy the song and write a few words from your hearts for your mother.
My Love to my Mother
“White swan, white swan, swimming so gay!
Carry a message for me today:
My love to my mother, wherever she be;
I know she is always thinking of me.”
“Wise wind, wise wind, blowing so gay!
Carry a message for me today:
My love to my mother, wherever she be;
I know she is always thinking of me.”
“Carpenter, carpenter, on your way!
Carry a message for me today:
My love to my mother, wherever she be,
I know she is always thinking of me.”
“Little bird, little bird, flying so gay!
Carry a message for me today:
My love to my mother, wherever she be;
I know she is always thinking of me.”
“Little stars, little stars, shining so bright!
Carry a message for me tonight:
My love to my mother, wherever she be;
I know she is always thinking of me.”
- My words to my mother => Graceful, greateful, hopeful, helpful, loving etc
Greatness of a mother(आमाको महानता)
- Undying love (अमर माया)
- Untiring sacrifice (अथक त्याग)
- Untold influence (अपरिचित प्रभाव)
- Unfailing faith (अटल विश्वास)
A. Write an invitation for each of the following events using one or two sentences.
(a) (Tomorrow is Mother’s Day. You want to invite your mother to mother’s day celebration.)
Ans: Would you came to tommrow mothers day celebration?
(b) (You want all your teachers to see the drama in your class.)
Ans: I am dong a drama show in the class this afternoon and the hope you will join me?
(c) (Teej is very close and you are going to invite your sister over the phone.)
Ans: Would you come to teej this year?
(d) (You want to meet your relatives at Dev Ghat Mela on Maghe Sakranti.)
Ans: Would you like to meet with me Dev ghat mela on maghe sakranti?
(e) (It is winter and there is no sun in your neighbors balcony.)
Ans: Would you go to the ground with me?
8.What I most enjoy during my schooling days? I love my school life and really enjoy it. I have lots of friends, and all my teachers love me. I love my school and enjoy going there every day to meet my friends and learn new things. ... Apart from learning great things in school, you make new friends, play different sports and create memories for the rest of your life.
9. Test yourself
Complete the following conversation.
Anu : Tommrow is my birday.Would you attend my birthday party ?
Binu : Oh! I’m afraid. I am busy tomorrow. I will come to your next birthday party.
Anu : I don't have your sister number can you call her and invite to my birth day party ?
Binu : Of course! She is free I think. Let me call her. (Rings his sister)
Complete the following conversation.
Anu : Tommrow is my birday.Would you attend my birthday party ?
Binu : Oh! I’m afraid. I am busy tomorrow. I will come to your next birthday party.
Anu : I don't have your sister number can you call her and invite to my birth day party ?
Binu : Of course! She is free I think. Let me call her. (Rings his sister)
Binu’s sister (on phone): Yes dear!
Binu : Hi sis! Are you free tomorrow? Ms Anu wants you to come to her birthday party in the afternoon.
Binu’s sister : Sure, I am free tommrow. I will attend Anu birthday party.
Binu : That’s good. Please go and enjoy the party.Bye.
Binu’s sister :Good bye Take care.
Binu : Hi sis! Are you free tomorrow? Ms Anu wants you to come to her birthday party in the afternoon.
Binu’s sister : Sure, I am free tommrow. I will attend Anu birthday party.
Binu : That’s good. Please go and enjoy the party.Bye.
Binu’s sister :Good bye Take care.
Thanks for Active your self