Subject: Science, Health and Physical Education
There are different kinds of animals in the world. Animals differ in their shape and size. Some animals are small and some are large. Some animals have a backbone in their body while some do not. The backbone supports the body. It functions as the base to provide a shape to the body. On the basis of the presence or absence of the backbone, all the animals are divided into two groups. They are invertebrates and vertebrates.
(संसारमा विभिन्न प्रकारका जनावरहरू छन्। जनावरहरू तिनीहरूको आकार र प्रकारमा फरक छ । केही जनावरहरू साना र केहि ठूला हुन्छन् । केहि जनावरको शरीरमा मेरुदण्ड (ढाड) हुन्छ र केहिको हुँदैनँ । मेरुदण्ड वा ढाडले शरीरलाई अड्याउने काम गर्दछ । यसले शरीरलाई आकार दिने काम पनि गर्दछ । मेरुदण्डको भएका वा नभएकाको आधारमा, सबै जनावरहरू दुई समूहमा विभाजित हुन्छन् । तिनीहरू invertebrates (ढाड नभएका) र vertebrates (ढाड भएका) हुन ।)
A. Invertebrates (इन्भर्टेब्रेट्स)
The animals which do not have the backbone are called invertebrates. The bodies of the invertebrate animals differ from each other. They are found both on land and in water. The body structure of most of them is simple. They have different body shapes.
(जनावरहरू जसको मेरुदण्ड हुँदैन, तिनीहरूलाई इन्भर्टेब्रेट्स Invertebrates भनिन्छ । Invertebrate जनावरको शरीरहरु एक अर्का भन्दा फरक छ । ती दुवै जमिन र पानीमा पाइन्छन्। धेरै जसोको शरीर संरचना सामान्य खालको हुन्छ । तिनीहरूको शरीरको आकृतिहरू फरक छन् ।
Invertebrates are divided into nine groups called phyla. They are as follows:
Invertebrates लाई नौ समूहमा बाँडिएको हुन्छ त्यसलाई फिला भनिन्छ । तिनीहरु यस प्रकार छन्:)
Phylum-1: Protozoa (प्रोटोजोवा)
Phylum- 2: Porifera (पोरिफेरा)
Phylum-3: Coelenterata (कोलिन्टेरेटा)
Phylum-4: Platyhelminthes (प्लेटिहेल्मिन्थेसिस)
Phylum-5: Nemathelminthes (नेमोहेल्मिन्थेसिस)
Phylum-6: Annelida (एनिलिडा)
Phylum-7: Arthropoda (आथ्रोपोडा)
Phylum-8: Mollusca (मोलस्का)
Phylum-9: Echinodermata (इकाइनोडेरमेटा)
1. Phylum: Protozoa (प्रोटोजोवा)
1. This phylum includes the simplest animals.
(यो फाइलममा साधारण जनवारहरु पर्छन ।)
2. They are made up of a single cell. So, they are called
unicellular animals.
(तिनीहरु एउटै मात्र कोष (सेल) ले बनेको हुन्छ । त्यसैले तिनीहरूलाई एक कोषिय जीव भनिन्छ ।
3. They are very small. They cannot be seen with our
naked eyes.
(तिनीहरु एकदम साना हुन्छन । त्यसैले तिनीहरुलाई हाम्रो आँखाले देख्न सकिँदैन । तिनीहरूलाई हेर्न सुक्ष्मदर्शक यन्त्र वा माइक्रोस्कोपको प्रयोग गर्नुपर्छ ।
4. They move with the help of their false foot, cilia and
(तिनीहरु आफ्नो फल्स फुट, सिलिया, फजेलमको सहायताले हिडडुल गर्छ ।)
Examples: amoeba, paramecium and euglena.
(जस्तै; अमिबा, प्यारामेसियम, युग्लिना ।)
Important Questions:
2. Phylum: Porifera (पोरिफेरा)
1. This phylum includes those animals which bear pores on the body. (यस फाइलममा शरिेरमा प्वाल हुने वा सहन सक्ने जीवहरु पर्छन् ।)
3. Their body is made up of many cells. So they are multicellular animals. (उनीहरुको शरीर धेरै कोषहरुबाट बनेको हुन्छ । त्यसैले तिनीहरू बहुकोषिय जनावर हुन् ।)
4. They are found in ponds, lakes and seas. (यिनीहरु पोखरी, ताल र समुद्रमा पाइन्छन् ।)
5. They do not move from place to place. (यिनीहरु एक ठाउँ बाट अर्को ठाउँमा सर्दैनन् ।)
Examples: sycon, euspongia. (जस्तै: साइकन, युस्पन्जिया)
3. Phylum: Coelenterate (कोलिन्टेरेट)
1. This phylum includes those animals which have a sac-like hollow body. (यस फाइलममा शरिर खोक्रो भएका जीवहरु पर्छन् ।)
2. They are found in water. They have a single opening called the mouth. (यिनीहरु पानीमा पाइन्छन् । यिनीहरुसंग एउटा खुल्ला मुख हुन्छ ।)
3. They have tentacles around the mouth. The tentacles help them to move and catch the food. (यिनीहरुको मुखको वरपर टेन्टेकल (सोली आकारको संरचना) हुन्छन् जसको मद्दतले उनीहरु यताउता सर्ने र खाना समाउने काम गर्छ ।)
4. They have a simple body structure. (उनीहरुको शरिरको संरचना र बनावट साधारण हुन्छन् ।)
Examples: hydra, sea-anemone and jellyfish. (जस्तै: हाइड्रा, सि-एनिमोन, जेलिफिस)
4. Phylum: Platyhelminthes (प्लेटिहेल्मेन्थ्स)
1.The animals of this group are known as flatworms. (यस समूहको जनावरहरु चेप्पो जुकाको रुपमा चिनिन्छ ।)
2. These animals have a long, flat and ribbon-like body. (यी जीवहरुको लामो, फराकिलो र रिबन जस्तो शरिर शरिर हुन्छ ।)
3. They live in the body of other animals. (तिनीहरू अन्य जनावरहरुको शरीरमा बस्छन् ।)
3. They obtain their food from other animals. So they are called parasites. (यिनीहरुले खानाको लागि अन्य जीवहरुमा निर्भर हुन्छन् त्यसैले यिनीहरूलाई परजीवी (प्यारासाइट) भनिन्छ ।
Examples: tapeworm, liver fluke (जस्तै: टपवर्म, लिभर फ्लुक)
5 Phylum: Nemathelminthes (नेमाथेल्मिन्थेस)
1. Their body is covered with a wax-like material. (यिनीहरूको शरीर मैम जस्तो पदार्थले ढाकिएको हुन्छ ।)
2. The body of these animals is long and cylindrical. (यिनीहरूको शरिर शरीर लामो र बेलनाकार हुन्छ ।)
3. They have both the mouth and the anus. (यिनीहरुको मुख र मलद्वार दुबै हुन्छ ।)
4. Some of them are parasites as they obtain their food from other animals. (यिनीहरु मध्ये केहि परजीवी हुन् किनकि यिनीहरुले खानाको लागि अन्य जीवहरुमा निर्भर हुन्छन् ।)
Examples: hookworm, pinworm and ascaris. (जस्तै; हुकवर्म, पिन वर्म, आस्क्रिस)
4. Phylum: Platyhelminthes (प्लेटिहेल्मिन्थ्स)
1. The animals of this group are known as flatworms. (यो समुहको जीवहरुलाई चेप्टो जुकाको रुपमा चिनिन्छ ।)2. These animals have a long, flat and ribbon-like body. (यस्ता जीवहरुको एउटा लामो, फराकिलो र रिबम जस्तै शरिर हुन्छ ।)
3. They live in the body of other animals. (तिनीहरू जनावरको शरिरमा बस्छन् ।)
4. They obtain their food from other animals. So they are
called parasites. (तिनीहरूले खाना अरु जनावरबाट प्राप्त गर्छन् ।)
Examples: tapeworm, liver fluke (जस्तै; टपवर्म, लिभर फ्लुक)
5. Phylum: Nemathelminthes (निमाथेल्मिन्थेस)
1. Their body is covered with a wax-like material. (तिनीहरुको शरिर मैन जस्तो पदार्थले बनेको हुन्छ ।)2. The body of these animals is long and cylindrical. (यस्ता प्राणीहरुको शरिर लामो र बेलनाकार हुन्छ ।)
3. They have both the mouth and the anus. (तिनीहरुको मुख र मलद्वार दुबै हुन्छ ।)
4. Some of them are parasites as they obtain their food
from other animals. (यिनीहरू मध्ये कुनै परजीवी जुन किनकी तिनीहरुले अरुको शरिरबाट खाना प्राप्त गर्छन् ।)
Examples: hookworm, pinworm and ascaris. (जस्तै; हुमवर्म, पिन वर्म, आस्क्रिस)
6. Phylum: Annelida (एनिलिडा)
1. These animals are segmented, cylindrical and elongated. (यिनीहरूको शरिर विभाजित, बेलानाकार र लामो आकारको हुन्छ ।2 They live in soil and water. (तिनीहरु माटो र पानीमा बस्छन् ।)
3. They have both the mouth and the anus. (तिनीहरुको मुख र मलद्वसर दुबै हुन्छ ।)
4. They have the developed digestive system. (यिनीहरुको बिकसित पाचन प्रणाली हुन्छ ।)
Examples: earthworm and leech. (जस्तै; अर्थवर्म, लिच)
7. Phylum: Arthropoda (आर्थोपोडा)
1. This phylum includes those animals which have jointed legs. (यस फाइलमा त्यस्ता जनवार पर्छन जसको जोर्नी भएको खुट्टाहरु हुन्छन् ।)2. The animals are found in all types of habitats i.e. air,
water and land. (यिनीहरु हावा, पानी र जमिन सबै ठाउँमा पाइन्छ ।)
3. Their body is usually divided into head, thorax and abdomen. (यिनीहरुको शरिर टाउको, छाती र पेटमामा बाँडिएको हुन्छ ।)
4. They have a pair of antennae. (यिनीहरुको एक जोडा सुँड हुन्छ ।)
Examples: butterfly, housefly and cockroach. (जस्तै; बटरफ्लाई, हाउसफ्लाई, कक्रोज)
8. Phylum: Mollusca (मोलस्का)
1. The phylum mollusca includes soft-bodied animals. (मोलस्का समुहमा शरिर नरम भएका जीवहरु पर्छन् ।)2. They are mostly found in water anda few on land. (तिनीहरू धेरैजसो पानीमा र केही जमिनमा पाइन्छ ।)
3. Their soft body is covered with a hard shell. (तिनीहरुको नरम शरिर कडा खालको खोक्रोले ढाकिएको हुन्छ ।)
4. They move with the help of their muscular feet. (तिनीहरु आफ्नो नरम मांसपेशी युक्त वा नरम मासुले बनेको खुट्टाको सहायताले हिड्छन् ।)
Examples: snail, slug and octopus. (जस्तै; स्नेल वा शंखेकिरा, स्लग वा चिप्लेकिरा, अक्टोपस, आदी ।
9. Phylum: Echinodermata (इकाइनोडरमेडा)
1. This phylum includes spiny-skinned animals. (यो फाइलममा छामा काँडा भएको जीवहरु पर्छन् ।)2. These animals are found in seas and oceans. They are
not found in our country. (यी जनावरहरु समुद्र र महासागरहरुमा पाइन्छ ।)
3. These animals may have star-like, elongated or flower-like body. (यी जनावरहरुको तारा जस्तो, लाम्चो वा फूल जस्तो आकार भएको शरिर हुन्छन् ।)
4. They move with the help of their tube feet. (तिनीहरु आफ्नो नलियुक्त खुटाको सहयोगले हिड्छन् ।)
Examples: starfish, sea cucumber and sea urchin. (जस्तै: स्टारफिस, सि कुमम्बर, सि अर्चिन, आदी ।
B. Vertebrates (भर्टिब्रेट्स)
The animals which have the backbone are called vertebrates. They are found in water, land and air. They have different types of body shapes. They are divided into five classes as follows:(पछाडीको ढाड वा मेरुदण्ड भएको जनवार हरुलाई भर्टिब्रेट्स वा ढाड भएको जनावर भनिन्छ । तिनीहरू पानी, जमिन र हावामा पाइन्छ । तिनीहरूको शरिरको आकार फरक फरक खालका हुन्छन् । तिनीहरूलाई निम्नानुसार पाँच भागमा विभाजन गरिएको छ ।)
Class 1: Pisces (पिसेस)
Class-2: Amphibia (एम्फिबिया)
Class 3: Reptilia (रेप्टेलिया)
Class-4: Aves (एभिस)
Class-5: Mammalia (म्यामेलिया)
1. Class: Pisces (पिसेस)
1. The animals which belong to this class are found inwater. So they are aquatic animals. (यस समूह अन्तरगतका जनावरहरु पानीमा बस्छन् । तिनीहरु एक्वाइटिक वा पानीमा बस्ने जनावरहरु हुन् ।)
2. The body is long and streamlined. (तिनीहरको शरिर लामो र सु-व्यवस्थित खालको हुन्छ ।)
3. The body is covered with waterproof scale. (शरिर पानीमा तैरिने कत्लाले ढाकेको हुन्छ ।)
4. They have fins for swimming and gills for breathing. (तिनीहरुको पौडिन फिन्स र सास फेर्न गिल्स हुन्छ ।)
Examples: labeo, seahorse and shark. (जस्तै; ल्याबियो वा सेतो माछा, सिहर्स वा समुद्री घोडा र सार्क)
2. Class: Amphibia (एम्फिबिया)
1. This class of animals can live both on land and in water. (यस समुहका जनावरहरु पानी र जमिन दुबै ठाउँमा बस्छन् ।)2. They have two pairs of limbs. (तिनीहरुको दुई जोडा हात वा खुट्टा हुन्छन् ।)
3. They have smooth and moist skin. (तिनीहरुको सर्लक्क परेको र चिसो छाला हुन्छन् ।)
4. They need water for reproduction. (तिनीहरूलाई बच्चा जन्माउन पानी चाहिन्छ ।)
Examples: frog, toad and salamander. (जस्तै; फ्रग वा भ्यागुता, टोड वा पाहा, सेल्मण्डर वा छेपारा)
3. Class: Reptilia (रेप्टिलिया)
1. They crawl on land so, they are called crawling animals. (तिनीहरु जमिन घिस्रिएर हिड्छन् त्यसैले तिनीहरु घिस्रिने जनावर हुन् ।)
2. Their body is covered with rough horny scales. (यिनीहरुको शरिर कडा र साह्रो कत्लाले ढाकिएको हुन्छ ।)
3. They have four limbs for locomotion except snakes. (सर्प बाहेक यिनीहरू सबैको हिड्नको लागि ४ वटा खुट्टा हुन्छन् ।)
4. They lay eggs with hard shells. (यिनीहरूले कडा आवरण (बोक्रा) सहितको अण्डा पार्छन् ।
Examples: lizard, tortoise, snake. (जस्तै; लिजार्ड, टोर्टइस्, स्नेक)
4. Class: Avess (एभिस)
1. The body of aves is covered with feathers to keep them warm. (चराहरुको शरिर न्यानो राख्न भुत्लाले ढाकिएको हुन्छ ।)
2. Their body is streamlined. (यिनीहरुको शरिर सुव्यवस्थित हुन्छ ।)
3. They have two wings and two legs. The wings help
them to fly. (यिनीहरुको उड्नको लागि दुईवटा पखेटा हुन्छन्, यसले यिनीहरूलाई उड्न सघाउँछ ।)
4. They have a beak without teeth. (यिनीहरुको दाँत नभएको ठुँड (चुच्चो) हुन्छ ।)
Examples: pigeon, cock, parrot, duck. (जस्तै; पिजेन, कक, प्यारोट, डक)
Some birds like ostrich, emu and penguin cannot fly. This is because their body is heavy and the wings are poorly developed.
(कुनैकुनै चराहरु जस्तै; अस्ट्रिच, इमु र पेङगुइनहरु उड्न सक्दैनन् । किनकी यिनीहरुको शरिर गह्रौँ र पखेटाहरु राम्रोसँग विकसित भएको हुँदैनन् ।)
5. Class: Mammalia (म्यामेलिया)
1. The animals which give birth to their young ones are mammals. (बच्चा जन्माउने जनावरहरु म्यामेलिया हुन् ।)
2. Their body is covered with hair or fur. (यिनीहरुको शरिर कपाल र रौँहरुले ढाकिएको हुन्छ ।)
3. They have two external ears called pinnae. (यिनीहरुको दुइवटा बाहिरी कान हुन्छ, जसलाई पिन्य भन्छ ।)
4. They suckle milk to their babies. (यिनीहरूले आफ्नो बच्चालाई दूध चुसाउँछन् ।)
Examples: man, cat, rat, bat, cow and tiger. (जस्तै; म्यान, क्याट, र्याट, ब्याट, काउ, टाइगर)
Oviparous and viviparous animals (ओभिपरस र भाइबापरस)
We have studied many examples of invertebrates and vertebrates. The vertebrates reproduce mainly by two methods. Some of them reproduce by laying eggs and some others give birth to babies. Those animals which lay eggs to reproduce are called oviparous. Many invertebrates and the members of the class pieces, amphibia, reptilia and aves are examples of this category. Insects also lay eggs. Their eggs hatch into larvae. Caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly.
(हामीले ढाडभएका र नभएका जनावरहरुको धेरै उदाहरणको बारेमा पढ्यौँ । ढाड भएका जनावरहरुले मुख्यतः दुई किसिमबाट बच्चा जन्माउँछन् । कुनैले अण्डा पार्छन भने कुनैले बच्चा जन्माउँछन् । अण्डा पार्ने जनावरहरुलाई ओभिपरस भनिन्छ । धेरैजसो ढाड नभएकामा पर्ने जनावरहरु लगायत पिसेस (माछा समुह) का, एम्फेबिया (जमिन र पानी दुवै ठाउँमा बस्ने जनावर) समुहका, रेप्टेलिया (घिस्रिएर हिड्ने जनावर) समुहका र एभिस (चरा) समुहका जनावरहरु यसमा पर्छन् । किराले पनि अण्डा पार्छन् । तिनीहरूको अण्डाबाट लार्भा हुन्छ । झुसिल्किरा पुतलीको लार्भा हो ।)
1. Match the following:
Ans: here is answer of matching:
snail = mollusca
cockroach = arthopoda
snake = reptilia
salamander = amphibia
bat = mammalia
duck = aves
labeo = pisces
2: Write any two examples of each phylum given below.
(a) Protozoa: amoeba, paramecium
(b) Annelida: leech, earthworm
(c) Arthropoda: butterfly, housefly
(d) Echinodermata: star fish, sea cucumber
(e) Porifera: sycon, euspongia
(f) Coelenterata: Hydra, Jellyfish
(g) Platyhelminthes: liver flukes, tapeworms
(h) Nemathelminthes: hookworm, pinworm
(i) Mollusca: snail, octopus
3. Which class do the following animals belong to? Also mention any one characteristic feature of each of them.
(a) Labeo: Pisces
1) The body is long and streamlined.
2) The body is covered with waterproof scale.
(b) Snake: Reptilia
1. Their body is covered with rough horny scales.
2. They have four limbs for locomotion except snakes.
(c) Duck: Aves
1. The body of aves is covered with feathers to keep them warm.
2. Their body is streamlined.
(d) Man: Mammalia
1. The animals which give birth to their young ones are mammals.
2. Their body is covered with hair or fur.
(e) Bat: Mammalia
1. The animals which give birth to their young ones are mammals.
2. Their body is covered with hair or fur.
(f) Frog: Amphibia
1. This class of animals can live both on land and in water.
2. They have two pairs of limbs.
(f) Shark: Pisces
1) The body is long and streamlined.
2) The body is covered with waterproof scale.
(h) Lizard: Reptilia
1. Their body is covered with rough horny scales.
2. They have four limbs for locomotion except snakes.
4. Differentiate between:
(a) Vertebrates and invertebrates:
Ans: Here are some differences between vertebrates and invertebrates:
Vertebrates | Invertebrates |
1. They have backbones on their body. | 1. They don't have backbones on their body. |
2. They are devided into 5 classes. | 2. They are devided into 9 phulum. |
3. All big animals and some small animals are vertibrates. | 3. Most insects and all micro-living beings are invertebrates. |
4. They are very strong. | 4. They are very weak. |
(b) Aves and mammalia:
Ans: Here are some differences between aves and mammalia:
Aves | Mammalia |
1. They lay eggs. | 1. They give birth to their babies. |
2. They have a beak without teeth. | 2. They have strong teeth. |
3. They have wings and two legs. | 3. Their body is covered with hair or fur. |
4. They take care their babies after hatching. | 4. They suckle their babies. |
(c) Roundworm and tapeworm:
Ans: Here are differences between roundworm and tapeworm:
Roundworm | Tapeworm |
1. It is cylindrical parasitic worm found in the intestines of mammals. | 1. It is a long, ribbon-like parasitic worm found in the intestine. |
2. It has a hard outer covering called cuticle. | 2. It doesn't have cuticle. |
3. It has an unsegmented body. | 3. It has an segmented body. |
4. It lives in small intestine and cause large infections in lungs. | 4. It lives in small intestine and cause weight loss and tiredness. |
(d) Oviparous and viviparous animals:
Ans: Here are differences between oviparous and viviparous:
Viviparous | Oviparous |
1. They produce their babies by hatching eggs. | 1. They give birth to their babies. |
2. They don't suckle their babies. | 2. They suckle their babies. |
3. Their baby become able to survive after come out of the legs. | 3. Their baby will not survive after getting birth as they are not well developed. |
4. Some of them do not take care their babies after hatching. | 4. All of them take care their babies after giving birth. |
5. Answer the following questions.
(a) Why is the tapeworm called a parasite?
Ans: Tapeworm is called a parasite because they obtain food from other animals.
(b) Enlist any three characteristics of nemathelminthes.
Ans: Three characteristics of nemathelminthes are as follows:
1. Their body is covered with a wax-like material.
2. The body of these animals is long and cylindrical.
3. They have both the mouth and the anus.
(c) What are amphibian animals?
Ans: The animals which live on land and water are called amphibian animals.
(d) Write the characteristics of mammalia.
Ans: The characteristics of mammalia are as follows:
1. They give birth to their babies.
2. Their body is covered with hair or fur.
3. They have two external ears called pinnae.
4. They suckle milk to their babies.
(e) Starfish is not a fish. Why?
Ans: Starfish is not fish because it doesn't have backbone on its body and also doesn't have any features of pisces.
(f) Write the five classes of vertebrates.
Ans: Five classes of vertebrates are: pisces, amphibia, aves and mammalia.
(g) What are oviparous and viviparous animals.
Ans: The animals which lay eggs are called oviparious and the animals which give birth to their young ones are called vivaparous.
(h) Write the locomotory organs of hydra, butterfly and fish.
Ans: The locomotory organs of hydra, butterfly and fish are as follows:
- hydra = tentacles
- butterfly = wings
- fish = fins
6. Sketch a sea horse and colour it.